Declaración de Política Ambiental

Recycling Instructions

Programa de reciclaje

ViewSonic is committed to promoting a greener and cleaner environment in which electronic products should be retired and recycled responsibly. All electronic parts and e-waste collected by our recycling partner(s) will be recycled or reused in a manner that complies with federal, state, and local law. ViewSonic averts waste and does not dispose of covered devices in landfills or transfer covered devices to recycling facilities that dispose of covered devices in landfills. ViewSonic contracts with collectors and recyclers across the US and Canada that comply with all local, state, and federal regulations, utilizing e-Steward, R2/RIOS, and ISO standards in the recyclers’ operations. ViewSonic ensures we only engage with collectors and recyclers that are in good standing that does not violates laws when importing or exporting environmentally sensitive materials throughout final disposition.

ViewSonic brinda maneras convenientes de manejar sus necesidades de reciclaje para proteger el medioambiente en virtud de nuestra norma ISO 14001:2015 EMS. ViewSonic ofrece un Programa de Devolución por Correo en los Estados Unidos y en Canadá para reciclar los dispositivos electrónicos cubiertos. El Programa de Devolución por Correo ofrece una manera efectiva de retirar los equipos electrónicos antiguos mediante los procesos de reciclaje que cumplen con las normas ambientales de los estados participantes.

Certificados ISO

Productos y Empaques Reciclables

ViewSonic products and packaging are largely recyclable. Circuit boards, metal, and plastic from product units can be dismantled and recycled by our recycling partner(s) in the United States and Canada according to Federal, State, and local authority guidelines. Cardboard, printed guides (paper), CDs, and plastic bags from our packaging can also be recycled, as well as some foam materials.  For EPEAT certified displays, wood-based fiber packaging contains a minimum of 35% recycled content by total weight of wood-based fiber.

Espumas EPS: Espumas de Poliestireno Expandido

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam is a lightweight, rigid, closed-cell insulation used as part of our packaging to firmly support our products during transit. Besides retired electronics, cardboard materials, and plastic bags, the EPS foams are recyclable too! Each year, more than 50% of all EPS collected was used to make recycled-content packaging. To locate the nearest EPS recycling location in your area, simply call 800-607-3772 or e-mail

Programa de Devolución por Correo de ViewSonic

ViewSonic supports governing laws of all participating states for proper recycling, reuse, and refurbishment of retired electronics and a ban on certain types of electronic waste in landfills. We have implemented a Mail Back program in the United States and Canada to recycle Covered Electronic Devices (CEDs)*. For a comprehensive resource of all participating states and their legislation and local state recycling information, please click here.

ViewSonic is also proud to support a no-charge Mail Back program. We partner with multi-faceted recycling and asset management companies to properly manage end-of-life unwanted electronic devices. We have thousands of locations throughout the United States and Canada to support your recycling need. To learn more about our Mail Back program or request a prepaid shipping label, please click here. A free label will be provided via email.

Si quiere enviar sus dispositivos electrónicos no deseados a ViewSonic directamente, nuestra dirección postal es 14035 Pipeline Avenue, Chino, CA 91710. Coloque en el paquete: "Attn: Recycling Program".

We welcome your feedback and comments.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact ViewSonic at (800) 688-6688 or email us at Thank you for your interest and support to keep our environment clean and green!

Instrucciones de Reciclaje de los Productos al Finalizar su Vida Útil

El documento debe ser usado por los recicladores para facilitar el tratamiento de los productos al final de su vida útil. Ofrece instrucciones de desmontaje para eliminar los materiales que deben manipularse de manera especial, tal como lo define la directiva 2012/19/EU de la UE, WEEE.

Please find Product EOL Disassembly Instructions

Requirement communications are via

Los recicladores deben tomar las medidas necesarias para garantizar que los residuos se descarten sin poner en peligro la salud humana ni dañar el medioambiente, en especial:

  • Without risk to water, air, soil and plants, and animals,
  • Without causing a nuisance through noise or odors,
  • Without adversely affecting the countryside or places of special interest.

Para un Futuro Más Ecológico

ViewSonic cree en el reciclaje responsable. Los productos electrónicos, al final de su vida útil, deben desecharse según las leyes y los requisitos locales. Comuníquese con ViewSonic o con sus autoridades locales para obtener información detallada sobre cómo reciclarlos de forma adecuada. Proporcionamos enlaces instructivos que lo ayudarán a reciclar sus productos electrónicos correctamente, en virtud de las leyes y los requisitos de su estado.

For more information on ViewSonic's Go Green initiative, please visit our Environmental Policy Statement.

Tasa de Reciclaje de Residuos Electrónicos de CA


New Jersey Consumers: ViewSonic has partnered with ERI to provide free and environmentally sound recycling for ViewSonic products in New Jersey in compliance with the Electronic Waste Management Act. For New Jersey Consumers who are not physically able to travel to a collection site without assistance and/or not physically able to lift and move heavy (50 pounds in weight or heavier) or unwieldy covered electronic devices, ViewSonic provides pick up service at no cost. Please call us at (800) 572-5300 or email at For help finding a recycling location closes to you please go to: Please note in certain instances our recycling locations may not able to accept materials from all Covered Entities (such as school districts, State entities, or local government units). In that case, please call us at (800) 572-5300 or email at to arrange direct service

Plantas Registradas de Reciclaje de Residuos Electrónicos

Busque un Recolector

Programas de Recolección

Donación y Reciclaje de Productos Electrónicos

Buscador de Recicladores de Productos Electrónicos

Programas de Reciclaje para Minoristas/Fabricantes

Recicladores Locales

Plantas de Reciclaje

Recycling Efforts: ViewSonic recovered 23 pounds of electronics from Virginia in 2023.

Información de los Consumidores

Información de Sitios de Recolección


Declaración de Política Ambiental

Responsible corporate citizenship today means taking responsibility for future generations. When it comes to green computing, ViewSonic leads by example. That’s why we were the first display manufacturer to offer a full line of eco-friendly LED displays. We are committed to sustainability, not just for our business but also for our global environment. That commitment is reflected in our industry leadership promoting eco-friendly business practices and product development. We employ environmentally responsible manufacturing and build energy-saving features into all of our products. As a result, we are certified and compliant with all major environmental standards.

Entre las claves de nuestro éxito, se encuentran las siguientes:

  • Mejora continua de nuestros procesos al supervisar la tecnología y las prácticas de gestión para evitar la contaminación durante los procesos de fabricación, almacenamiento, servicio, transporte y desecho de nuestros productos en todo su ciclo de vida.
  • Compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations, and with other regulations affecting the design and production of our products as they arise
  • Establecimiento y revisión de los objetivos ambientales, procedimientos de evaluación del rendimiento e indicadores ambientales asociados.
  • Minimización de los impactos ambientales del desarrollo de nuevos productos gracias a los procesos y planes de gestión ambiental integrados.
  • Fomento de la selección y la contratación de proveedores y vendedores con calificación ambiental.
  • Documentación y mantenimiento de esta política, a medida que se producen cambios en la normativa ambiental.
  • Capacitación de nuestros empleados-socios para que lleven a cabo sus actividades de manera responsable con el medioambiente.
  • Communicating this policy to all employee-partners, business associates, and interested parties in the public sector

These guiding principles summarized as “Recycle Solid Waste and Conserve Natural Resources,” set our goals for environmental responsibility and the performance required by all our organizations. To ensure success, the Director of Customer Care, Compliance & Supply Chain Management has the executive responsibility and authority to oversee and implement this policy at all ViewSonic owned facilities in the North American region.

James Chu
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
ViewSonic Corporation

Ahorre Energía, Ahorre Dinero

ViewSonic lo ayuda a ahorrar dinero y energía, al tiempo que cuida el medioambiente.

ViewSonic builds energy-saving features into all of our products. Here's how you can save energy and money now.

Beneficios del modo ecológico


  • Ahorre dinero con un menor consumo de energía.
  • Ahorre recursos con una huella de carbono reducida.


  • El modo ecológico que puede seleccionar el usuario ofrece un 28 % de ahorro de energía, en comparación con el modo estándar
  • Elegir el modo ecológico puede extender la vida útil del monitor LCD hasta 1,5 veces


  • Usar el modo ecológico puede extender la vida útil de la lámpara hasta 2 veces más que si usa el modo normal
  • 354 000 toneladas métricas
  • Calculamos que los clientes de ViewSonic, al usar el modo ecológico, evitarán que 354 000 toneladas métricas de CO2 ingresen en la atmósfera en 2009. Eso equivale a un 1,5 % de la huella de carbono mundial de 2004.


Los productos consumen hasta un 60 % menos de electricidad que los modelos estándar.

  • ViewSonic ofrece algunos de los monitores de menor consumo de energía del mercado
  • Estos monitores consumen hasta un 60 % menos de electricidad que los modelos estándar.
  • Ahorre hasta $20 al año en costos de energía por monitor. Calcule su ahorro hoy mismo.
  • The latest VX and VG models use LED lighting to reduce power consumption and hazardous materials in our landfills.


  • Todos los proyectores ViewSonic tienen funciones de ahorro de energía, como el modo ecológico que extiende la vida útil de la lámpara y consume menos energía.
  • Todos los proyectores ViewSonic DLP® cumplen con RoHS.

Carteles digitales

  • Todos nuestros productos de señalización digital cumplen con RoHS
  • Todos nuestros productos ViewSonic de señalización digital usan tecnología LCD que consume hasta un 40 % menos de energía que las pantallas de plasma.


Energía Renovable. Usamos un 17 % de energías renovables en nuestras oficinas corporativas. Esto incluye lo siguiente:

  • Viento
  • Luz solar
  • Biomasa
  • Central hidroeléctrica pequeña
  • Energía geotérmica


  • Motion-activated lighting
  • Zone-controlled heating and cooling



EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) is a definitive global rating system for greener electronics. EPEAT helps purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select electronic devices (such as desktop computers, notebooks, and monitors) based on environmental attributes. EPEAT provides a clear and consistent set of performance criteria for the design of products and provides manufacturers the opportunity to secure market recognition for efforts to reduce the environmental impact of their products.


Certificación TCO



TCO Certified is the world-leading sustainability certification for IT products in offices and data centers. Comprehensive criteria drive social and environmental sustainability throughout the IT product life cycle. It is a third-party certification independent of the IT industry and buyers. TCO Certified meets the requirements of ISO 14024 Ecolabel Type 1 and has been GENICES assessed and approved by the Global Ecolabelling Network. The TCO Certified verification process includes ensuring that corrective actions are implemented in all cases of factory non-conformities. Factory conditions must be safe and adhere to an established code of conduct, including working hours, wages, fair labor practices, worker health and safety, and more. View all

ViewSonic products registered with TCO CLICK HERE

Para obtener más información sobre TCO, visite el sitio web de TCO en


ViewSonic respeta el medioambiente y fomenta la vida ecológica.

El volumen de basura cada vez mayor en nuestros vertederos es un problema mundial. ViewSonic Corporation se compromete a hacer su máximo esfuerzo para ser responsable en términos corporativos y comunitarios, respetar el medioambiente y fomentar una vida ecológica.

Como empresa con certificación ISO 14001, ViewSonic Corporation:

  • Incorporates energy-saving features into our product design.
  • Produces easy-to-disassemble designs for recycling.
  • Cada producto ViewSonic se hace con plástico que puede reciclarse al terminar la vida útil de ese producto.
  • Is committed to promoting green living by ensuring that its products do not end in our landfills at the end of their life cycle. ViewSonic has established a recycling program for our customers, to properly manage e-waste by partnering with state-approved local recyclers, where applicable. In addition, ViewSonic provides a 24/7 toll-free number to answer any questions our customers may have about recycling our products. We routinely audit our Authorized Repair Centers to ensure that they continually and properly process all e-waste.
  • Offers a Take-Back Program to our customers, Recycle+ Program to recycle our products and/or remarket old electronics and reuse the basic components to their full usage. ViewSonic only partners with consolidator/recyclers that will not dispose of covered devices and recyclable packaging materials in our landfills but properly dispose of e-waste in an environmentally responsible way.
  • Desde 2000, ViewSonic ha desviado 12 838 448 libras de residuos de los vertederos, incluidos productos que no son electrónicos.
  • ViewSonic is dedicated to creating high-quality technology products that can be repaired and maintained throughout their lifecycle. Our products are designed with modular components that can be easily replaced, and we provide repair guides and documentation to make it easier for consumers to fix their devices. The spare parts are available 5 years after the end of production. Please submit ticket here for more spare part acquisition information.

ViewSonic lo invita a reciclar su producto a través del Programa Recycle+

ViewSonic is dedicated to the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of harmful greenhouse gases. Please find our Environmental Performance Report, Base Year GHG Inventory Report, our 2023 Product Transport GHG Disclosure Statement, Product Life Cycle Assessment and Energy Management System for Suppliers.

Please find our 2022 Corporate Sustainability Report and our annual supplier CSR performance report here.

Our suppliers must meet the standards of ethics, social responsibility, and environmental protection defined in our Supplier Social Responsibility and Ethics Agreement. Our suppliers must adhere not only to our rigorous guidelines on product quality but also uphold the standards here.

Responsibile Minerals Sourcing Policy

Policy for High-Risk Minerals

Where minerals such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold (3TG), and cobalt are mined in conflict-affected or high-risk areas such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries, the revenue from the mining and trading of these minerals is a source of funding for armed groups and anti-government forces carrying out atrocities and human rights abuses. Minerals sourced from such conflict-affected or high-risk areas have the potential to promote conflict, human rights violations, and environmental degradation.

ViewSonic considers mining to be an intensive process involving social and environmental risks. ViewSonic believes that the mining of metals and minerals, including Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum, Gold (so-called conflict minerals) and Cobalt mined in the DRC, as well as other minerals mined in other regions, must be managed.

La política de ViewSonic es que la empresa no quiere ser parte de las violaciones a los derechos humanos ni de la destrucción del medioambiente. Si bien extraemos minerales que se originan en áreas de alto riesgo o afectadas por conflictos, de ninguna manera toleraremos que alguien cometa violaciones o abusos a los derechos humanos en ninguna forma, sacaremos provecho de ello, contribuiremos a eso, ayudaremos a que eso suceda o lo facilitaremos, ni apoyaremos operaciones que tengan como resultado la degradación de la estabilidad ambiental y socioeconómica.

As a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (“RMI”), we require suppliers to adhere to this policy and expect them to support and promote compliance within the supply chain.

ViewSonic toma las siguientes medidas para extraer los minerales usados en los monitores ViewSonic de manera responsable.


1. Notify suppliers of the responsible minerals sourcing policy and code of conduct (harmonized with the RBA code of conduct). SREA

2. Identify and prioritize minerals for inclusion in our responsible sourcing strategy (currently Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum, Gold, and Cobalt for our supply chains

3. Exigir que los proveedores obren con diligencia debida con respecto a los minerales prioritarios, de acuerdo con la Directiva de la OCDE, y que brinden informes de rutina usando las herramientas desarrolladas por Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) para permitir la transparencia en la cadena de suministro.

4. Garantizar que los minerales se obtengan solo de fundiciones y refinadoras verificadas que cumplan con el Programa de Garantía de Minerales Responsables (RMAP) desarrollado por RMI. ViewSonic exige que las fundiciones y las refinadoras obtengan prueba de cumplimiento en toda su cadena de suministro.

5. Continue to collect relevant information regarding industry trends, customer reactions, and movements in the US, EU, and other regions to assure continued compliance to future regulations.

Please find our Responsible Minerals Report.