It’s true that sRGB is the most common color space used across web content and display hardware. While sRGB is the universal color space, colors can still differ depending on the screen you’re looking at since monitors, mobile phones, and tablets will not always be calibrated to display color accurately.
When colors are not accurate and consistent, discrepancies may arise when sharing photos or letting clients preview work on set. This may cause the finished product to look different from what the client had previously previewed. These types of discrepancies come at the cost of extra time being spent to go back and re-edit work to get colors looking right.
When previewing photos on set or reviewing work with clients, photographers need a wide range of clear viewing angles to ensure that everyone in the room can see images and colors clearly. Limited viewing angles can lead to miscommunications in the workflow that can affect the quality of a finished project.
Portrait photos are limited in size when being viewed in landscape mode. When portrait photos are viewed in landscape, minor details have the potential to be overlooked, leading to unintended flaws in the finished product.
Monitors with thick frames and branding can negatively impact your user experience. Thick frames can be limiting to your workflow in by reducing fluidity across screens in a multi-monitor setup and when branding is too prominent it can be distracting.
Co-developed with color management experts X-rite, ViewSonic VP monitors offer hardware calibration that aligns communication between the graphics card and the monitor to ensure long-term consistency and color accuracy.
With Delta E<2 color accuracy, ViewSonic VP monitors deliver stunningly accurate color reproduction that is nearly indistinguishable from real life color for consistently brilliant photos every time.
VP Series monitors ensure the widest range of clear viewing angles to ensure that images look clear from any vantage point and preventing any potential miscommunications when reviewing work with clients.
ViewSonic VP monitors cover 100% of the sRGB color gamut to reproduce rich and vibrant color. Working in the industry standard sRGB color space ensures that the color in your photos perfectly aligns across devices and on the web.
The Auto Pivot function on VP Series monitors allows you to display photos in full size for portraying maximum detail by allowing you to adjust the monitor’s orientation based on the orientation of the photo you are viewing. Maximizing viewing detail helps reveal easily overlooked flaws when reviewing work.
The frameless design on VP monitors is a quality of life upgrade that gives the monitor a clean look and improves your viewing experience. Whether on its own or side-by-side in a multi-monitor setup, users will enjoy a streamlined viewing without the distraction of a bulky bezel when editing photos and extending content.
Take advantage of industry standard sRGB, EBU, SMPTE-C and REC709 color precision modes for a consistent viewing experience with a range of screen applications.
ViewSonic’s uniformity correction balances luminance performance with calculated precision, improving delta luminance variance to less than 5% for more consistent brightness from edge to edge.
“ViewSonic and their VP monitors have allowed me to see imagery in an entirely new light. I can rely on this quality product to deliver a clear, unfailing render of my photography.”
“As a fashion and commercial photographer, color is everything!! And that's why I love the new ViewSonic VP2468 Monitor and Colorbration kit- renders colors beautifully and makes my work more vibrant than ever- bright, crisp, true to color, and has no glare that distracts from the image!!”
“It’s very important to choose the proper monitor for post processing your photos and I’ve been very pleased with the new ViewSonic. It is a monitor that you can rely on for highly accurate and consistent color, helping you bring your photography to the next level!”