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Tagged with 'myViewBoard'

ViewSonic® Delivers Seamless, High-Impact Video Wall Solution for Exclusive Business Center in Costa Rica


ViewSonic® Delivers Seamless, High-Impact Video Wall Solution for Exclusive Business Center in Costa Rica.


Suministros Comerciales y Tecnológicos S.A. (Sucotec) is a company in Costa Rica with over nine years of experience on the domestic market. With a group of highly specialized professionals providing tailored IT services, Sucotec S.A. helps increase the competitiveness of its customers, with scalability to manage future growth. Sucotec S.A. primarily provides businesses in Costa Rica with a wide range of simple, highly flexible, in-demand video wall systems. One of Sucotec’s customers is GBT Technologies, a company that offers high technology software solutions to customers of a variety of industries, including the financial, banking and stock market sectors. GBT Technologies is located in the San José Business Center in Escazú, a high-growth business hub in San Jose where a great number of service industry companies are located.

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“Many factors motivated our decision to choose the ViewSonic displays – the quality of the equipment, the warranty, the cost, and the support provided during the decision-making process.”

— Salomón Ocón, GBT Technologies Director of Operations


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  • Install a video wall solution that can effectively display both software development jobs, as well as stock market information, for a busy financial tech company.

For any digital signage solution provider, installing a video wall is always a challenge. For Sucotec S.A, not only did they require perfectly aligned displays, but they also needed to provide equipment that met the expectations of their customers, GBT Technologies.

According to Salomón Ocón, operations director of GBT Technologies, they wanted to invest in a video wall solution that would push effective communication and teamwork throughout the company.

“In our business, since most of our customers are in the financial market, we needed a visual tool capable of managing two main areas: software development and stock market indicator monitoring.

“Our developers needed a video wall for displaying programming jobs in an agile and simultaneous way. The rest of our staff wanted the video wall to display reference information about stock markets around the world. For these reasons, the video wall was installed in the lobby where everyone could see the different messages,” explained Ocón. “Obviously, the quality of the images should be flawless, and the edge of the displays should also be thin enough to make sure we have a better general view.”

To achieve this, Sucotec S.A. suggested to GBT Technologies the use of 12 ViewSonic CDE4803 commercial displays that, in addition to features like high brightness, wide viewing angles and narrow bezels, come with value added features, as highlighted by Ocón.


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  • A video wall comprised of 12 ViewSonic CDE4803 48” Full HD 1080p commercial displays

“Many factors motivated our decision to choose the ViewSonic displays – the quality of the equipment, the warranty, the cost, and the support provided during the decision-making process,” said Ocón.

Fernando Ramírez, Sucotec S.A. representative added, “We were always sure that the ViewSonic displays would be the most suitable for this video wall, given the requirements of big screen size, image quality, and symmetric alignment of the displays.”

The representatives of both companies highlighted a very successful purchasing and installation experience, not only due to the quality of the equipment, but also the support provided by ViewSonic and its wholesale distributor.


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  • Facilitating GBT Technologies staff permanent self-evaluation of their work processes which translates into better quality control and results for their customers.

“How has the installation of this video wall impacted our offices? I can say that it has improved the productivity of our daily activities. It provides better guidance to our staff for very specific software programming processes by sharing and displaying projects in a fast and efficient manner,” said Ocón.

In addition, there are no complaints related to the quality of the equipment provided. 

“Since we installed this solution in our company, we have not had the need to receive technical support at all, which makes us very happy because it is a good indicator of the performance of the ViewSonic displays,” said Ocón.

For Fernando Ramírez, representative of Sucotec S.A., installing this ViewSonic video wall has generated important results for his customer, not only due to the support for the daily workload of the company, but also by creating a visually attractive environment around the solution.

After evaluating these successful results, Sucotec S.A. is certain they will keep a longlasting relationship with ViewSonic to help other companies achieve their goals.

School District Gains IT Efficiencies with Upgrade to ViewSonic ViewBoard Interactive Displays and myViewBoard Software


School District Gains IT Efficiencies with Upgrade to ViewSonic ViewBoard Interactive Displays and myViewBoard Software

When a new IT director joined this school district, she quickly recognized its classroom edtech needed an upgrade. Classrooms had a mix of aging projector-based whiteboards from different manufacturers which, in addition to being outdated, resulted in ongoing lamp replacement and maintenance costs. What’s more, the systems were cumbersome and required that a PC or other device be connected to the display.

After reviewing solutions from several well-known manufacturers, the IT director realized that a “TV solution” would be easier and less costly to maintain than a traditional projector-based whiteboard.

Not all roads lead directly to the ultimate solution, however. The teachers found the first solution she tried difficult to use; it also required an annual licensing fee. Dissatisfied, her team began demoing new options. Their reseller rep suggested that they look at ViewSonic® ViewBoard® interactive flat panel (IFP) displays, which would deliver an all-in-one solution. The IT director ran a cost analysis, which revealed that the ViewSonic ViewBoard interactive displays would offer outstanding savings over other well-known education brands – an important factor given the number of classrooms that she needed to upgrade.

Her rep then showed her the device management software included with the ViewBoard displays. The efficiencies it would deliver for the IT team were incredible. By providing centralized management, the cloud-based myViewBoard Manager™ software would enable them to remotely enroll the displays, as well as update and manage them as needed. They could monitor performance through the dashboard, and schedule power on/off times to

The interactive displays increased collaboration and sharing, and students seem more engaged in the lessons. Teachers particularly like using the vCast capabilities, which enables their students to cast and display work onto the ViewBoard display.

safeguard power usage. No need to be physically present at the display. The convenience for one display alone would be helpful – for a fleet of several hundred, it would be invaluable.

The IT team was convinced that this was the best solution for the districts’ needs. But first, they needed to ensure that the displays would be wellreceived by the teaching staff. Their ViewSonic rep helped out by visiting the district and demonstrating the myViewBoard Whiteboard functionality to teachers and administrators, taking them through several mock lessons.

First, he showed them the ever-present floating toolbar that would be their home base. Next, he used the shape drawing tools to simulate a geometry lesson, then showed them the graph paper template. He then used the browser to navigate to the NASA website, take the audience on a brief virtual field trip, then pull up the accompanying worksheet and began filling it in using the pen tool – commenting that in a real classroom he would send the worksheet to the students’ Chromebooks using the included vCast™ software.

He briefly displayed the music score template, to applause from the music instructors. Finally, to end the day with an English lesson, he navigated to his Google Drive, opened a PDF of pages from a popular children’s book, activated the record function, then used the whiteboarding tools to highlight and label parts of speech. He then saved the recorded lesson to the students’ Drives – providing a study reference and a lesson recap for students who were absent that day.

The teachers were fully onboard and the IT director began replacing the aging equipment as quickly as funds allowed. The district now has 150 classrooms equipped with 55- and 75-inch ViewSonic ViewBoard interactive displays, along with one 86” ViewSonic ViewBoard display in the district boardroom.

During the remote learning days of the pandemic, the IT team worked with the assistant director of instructional technology to train teachers on how to use the ViewSonic ViewBoard displays and myViewBoard software to facilitate hybrid learning. It was a perfect solution, the IT director said: the kids at home could see whatever the teacher put on the display along with their in-school classmates – and they had the ability to interact with it along with them.

Right from the start, the teachers loved using the new ViewSonic ViewBoard displays, and the love kept growing as the IT team facilitated more training. Back in the classrooms full-time, students were likewise big fans, said the IT director. Teachers told her that the interactive displays increased collaborationand sharing, and students seem more engaged in the lessons. Teachers particularly like using the vCast capabilities, which enables their students to cast and display work onto the ViewBoard display. This, she said, opened up classroom participation, even when students were tied to their desks due to covid. With their older systems, she said, they wouldn’t have been able to do this, and collaboration would have su  ered.

The 86” ViewBoard display has been equally useful for bringing the community and school board together for hybrid meetings, which have continued long past the pandemic, she said. In-person school board members have a clear view of parents and community members who log in via Zoom, and it enables more natural communication and better visibility than when each member was looking down at their individual laptop.

As soon as funding is available, the IT director plans to standardize on ViewSonic ViewBoard interactive displays to upgrade every classroom in the district. She has a wait list of requests from building principals. She further hopes to invest in ViewSonic interactive displays to build out the district Girls Who Code program, noting that they could do so much more with the power of interactivity. Finally, she envisions implementing ViewSonic displays at school entryways and throughout the buildings to deliver welcome messages and informational updates.

Related Items

ViewSonic ViewBoard IFP8650 86-inch 4K Interactive Display

ViewSonic ViewBoard IFP7550 75-inch 4K Interactive Display

ViewSonic ViewBoard IFP5550 55-inch 4K Interactive Display

myViewBoard Manager cloud-based software

Family-Owned Restaurant Achieves Digital Signage Upgrade with ViewSonic myViewBoard Manager Advanced Software


Family-Owned Restaurant Achieves Digital Signage Upgrade with ViewSonic myViewBoard Manager Advanced Software

Despite the pandemic, this family owned-and-operated chain of restaurants had recently grown to six locations across the area. A modern and stylish fast-casual concept, they offered both a distinctive interior dining experience and fast, efficient carryout. The founding family members had achieved this unique model and rapid growth by focusing on smart business practices used by much larger chains. Now it was time to find a digital signage solution that supported this strategy.

The objectives were twofold. One, they wanted to be able to quickly update the content on their menu boards. Two, needed a solution that would be manageable across all locations, to consistently support the brand with minimal tech support requirements.

A friend knew a local AV consultant, who recommended that they look at solutions from ViewSonic, which offered both products and display management software that could provide everything they were looking for. While some small-to-midsize businesses settle for displays sold as consumer TVs, she said, doing so was risky. With ViewSonic commercial-grade displays they could count on reliable up-time, industry-leading warranties, and outstanding support. The company was also known for making displays with stunning and crisp images, she told them.

Many mentioned how well the digital signage fit the unique mood of the restaurant’s interior. According to the family, the targeted promotions have been a boon to business. Sales of these items have increased, and the ability to schedule different promotions at each restaurant has allowed them to highlight local favorites.

The AV consultant further outlined the benefits provided by ViewSonic commercial displays, including the increased durability of full-metal construction, 25% high haze anti-glare screens, and robust 24/7 operation for commercial-grade reliability. Based on the size and configuration of the restaurants’ food service area, she recommended the ViewSonic® CDE6520-W 65-inch commercial displays with crisp 3840 x 2160 resolution for the menu board. Rated for 24/7 use, these displays would reliably accommodate the restaurants’ long hours.

The displays came complete with an included remote configuration software system called myViewBoard® Manager, she explained, that would let the owners manage all of the displays remotely from one location. An upgrade to this software would add the ability to easily manage their content as well. Ideal for scheduling and managing multimedia content across many displays, myViewBoard Manager AdvancedTM was available with a annual subscription fee after a 30-day free trial.

Along with considering their consultant’s advice, two of the family members viewed digital signage installed in several retail environments – travelling together to compare their impressions of the displays. Their conclusions were virtually identical. The images on the displays from ViewSonic and other well- known brands were clearly superior. The ViewSonic commercial displays had a more durable look. And the “TV displays” often looked dim or, frankly, cheap – not a look they wanted for their restaurants.

The family then compared the specifications and pricing of ViewSonic commercial displays with equivalent models from other major brands. Not only was the ViewSonic pricing better, with the other brands they would have to individually manage the displays – adding significant time, and therefore, expense. Both the included and upgraded versions of ViewSonic myViewBoard Manager software would enable them to remotely handle all maintenance tasks for the menu boards at their six locations, including powering the 18 displays on and off at pre-scheduled times. The Manager Advanced software would streamline management of multimedia content, and the monthly subscription would cover additional displays as they expanded to more locations at no additional cost. They were sold.

The restaurateurs purchased three ViewSonic CDE6520-W 65-inch commercial displays for each of their locations. While they awaited the delivery and installation, they hired a local graphic designer to create templates for the menu boards. As they worked with her, they decided to add promotional spots for high-margin products.

When the time came to begin using the displays, they were relieved to find that they were as intuitive to use as promised by ViewSonic and their AV consultant. With the myViewBoard Manager Advanced software installed on his laptop, the family member designated to oversee the displays was able to intuitively discover how to create and use multimedia playlists, which he could push out to all the displays from the comfort of his home office. He was also able to create customized playlists for each restaurant, which allowed them to base promotions on that location’s needs.

Feedback from their customers has been overwhelmingly positive. Many commented on the fun graphics and vibrant images. No one missed the old- fashioned printed signs. In fact, many mentioned how well the digital signage fit the unique mood of the restaurant’s interior. According to the family, the targeted promotions have been a boon to business. Sales of these items have increased, and the ability to schedule different promotions at each restaurant has allowed them to highlight local favorites. They plan to experiment with more and varying promotional formats with the goal of further increasing profits and customer satisfaction.

Rural School District Connects Classrooms and More with ViewSonic ViewBoard Displays and Chromeboxes


Rural School District Connects Classrooms and More with ViewSonic ViewBoard Displays and Chromeboxes

Well before the coronavirus made “hybrid learning” a household phrase, one rural school district, which spans 374 miles and 26 schools, sought to acquire digital technology that would enable it to connect distant schools for hybrid-style instructional resource sharing. While each school had core classes like math and English covered, many other courses, like foreign languages and specialized STEM classes, were only available at certain locations.

At the recommendation of their reseller partner, the district used grant funds to purchase three 86-inch ViewSonic® ViewBoard® IFP8650 interactive displays to test out in three high school classrooms.

The pilot was an immediate success and the IT team began considering additional display technology needs to further boost continuity of education throughout the district, where aging display equipment sat unused by teachers. The logical first step was to dig more deeply into what the existing ViewBoard displays could offer.

Fortunately, the district had received additional grant money. The overwhelming consensus was to use these funds to standardize on ViewSonic products. The IT team tested a solution consisting of the IFP8650 ViewBoard interactive display, as well as a ViewSonic NMP760 Chromebox and external web cam. An initial order of 300 bundles provided this solution to classrooms in every grade level of each of 14 elementary schools, as well as a middle and high school.

As anticipated, the ViewBoard displays accomplished the goal of facilitating efficient and eff ective hybrid learning. The benefits of the ViewBoard-Chromebox solution, however, far eclipsed this initial objective, revitalizing both hybrid and in-person learning. One English teacher noted a distinct

Teachers told the IT team how much they appreciated the simplicity of getting started with the ViewBoard display and it’s included myViewBoard® software, and most were able to do so without any training. Science, social studies, and math instructors quickly began using the integrated graphs, backgrounds, and tools.

uptick in enthusiasm when teaching with his ViewSonic ViewBoard, saying that it helped increase his students’ focus and attention, improved engagement, and increased class participation by getting students actively involved in lessons.

A math teacher found the displays easy to use and ideal for hybrid learning. She commented on particularly appreciating the way that the integrated tools like the pens, graphing tools, and Desmos calculator, enhanced her teaching options. A fellow math teacher was particularly pleased with the fl exibility provided by the ViewBoard interactive display, which allowed her to move around the room while teaching. The bundled Chromebox and camera enabled teachers to quickly connect remote students via Google Meet then conduct the entire class from the ViewSonic ViewBoard display. Students at home or in remote classrooms were able to see those in the home classroom and vice versa. Everyone – no matter where they were – could share content once it was approved by the teacher. Teachers told the IT team how much they appreciated the simplicity of getting started with the ViewBoard display and it’s included myViewBoard® software, and most were able to do so without any training. Science, social studies, and math instructors quickly began using the integrated graphs, backgrounds, and tools. Many commented on the ability to take screenshots and record and save content, complete with annotations. Other favorite features included the ability to move around content, zoom into it, and highlight and annotate for emphasis and clarity. All noted that when students got up to the board to interact with content, either individually or in groups, they were clearly more interested and engaged.

Related Items

ViewSonic ViewBoard 86” IFP8650 interactive display

School District Upgrades Teaching and Learning Capabilities with ViewBoard Interactive Displays and myViewBoard Software


School District Upgrades Teaching and Learning Capabilities with ViewBoard Interactive Displays and myViewBoard Software


The Alisal Union School District (AUSD) serves around 7,500 students in 12 neighborhood K-6th grade schools (including preschool programs) and one virtual school in East Salinas, California. Many of the teachers and staff are from the community, and a significant number of the students served are from farmworker and immigrant families. In addition to its 13 schools, AUSD offers three family resource centers. Each school is also supported by its own counselor, library specialist, instructional coach, and assistant principal. Additionally, every school is further supported by district-wide psychologists, school nurses and LVNs, and speech therapists. Additional offerings include seasonal sports, music, folklórico dance, and after-school and weekend academic support and enrichment, including NASA STEM Academy and Intro to Coder Dojo.

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“When we looked at the reliability and price point of ViewSonic’s ViewBoard product, along with the training and support they were offering, it all added up for ViewSonic. They were the sweet spot of everything we were looking for.”

— Joshua Harris, AUSD Director of Edtech


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  • Replace severely outdated projectors and screens

  • Replacement tech must offer intuitive ease for a hesitant teaching staff

  • Display technology must allow teachers the freedom to move around the room

  • Solution must be reliable and eliminate downtime from maintenance

Imagine using the same edtech – for 20 years. That’s how long the Alisal Union School District had relied on classroom projectors and pull-down screens. The time to replace them was long overdue.

“The projectors just weren’t cutting it,” said AUSD Director of Edtech Joshua Harris. “20 years is quite old for digital and electronics technology. It’s not going to be reliable.”

The push to purchase new front-of-classroom display technology came from a newly appointed superintendent, who intended to update classrooms for 21st century learning. Café seating and other flexible furnishings were planned to support active, project-based learning. Harris was asked to find a complete solution that would support this classroom modernization.

“The edtech professional mindset deeply considers teacher perspective,” said Harris. “Top of mind for us was finding a solution that would ease the transition for teachers unaccustomed to modern instructional technology.”

Another key requirement was the ability to untether teachers from their desks, which would allow them to take full advantage of the updated classroom and evolving pedagogical direction.

“We wanted a solution that allowed the teacher to be freed from their desk and from the need for added tech like a document camera or tablet,” said Harris. “We also wanted a simple, stable solution.”

Asking themselves, ‘what will meet these goals while giving us the closest to 100% uptime,’ the IT team assessed current available technology and found the answer: interactive flat panel (IFP) displays.


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  • ViewSonic® ViewBoard® IFP7550 75-inch interactive displays with myViewBoard® software

  • Intentional, repeated, high quality professional development with ViewSonic

After some months of research, the team further determined that interactive flat panel displays would meet all their criteria. They narrowed the field to ViewSonic® ViewBoard® interactive displays with myViewBoard® software, which provided them with an ideal combination of features.

“When we looked at the reliability and price point of ViewSonic’s ViewBoard product, along with the training and support they were offering, it all added up for ViewSonic,” said Harris. “They were the sweet spot of everything we were looking for.”

After piloting the solution in 14 K-6 classrooms, the edtech and IT teams together recommended that the district outfit all learning spaces with ViewSonic ViewBoard interactive displays. The district purchased 300 ViewSonic ViewBoard IFP7550 75-inch interactive displays with myViewBoard software, which would be installed in waves following the start of the next school year.


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  • Teachers quickly adapted to using the new display technology

  • Active learning, with interaction and collaboration has increased

  • Students are more engaged with class content

  • Bright images allow teachers to keep lights on/shades open

As with any change, some teachers were initially resistant. At the same time, teachers in the pilot classrooms began talking about how much they enjoyed using the new interactive displays.

“We’re a very word-of-mouth community, and the teachers who had used the ViewBoard interactive displays were sharing their opinions,” said Harris. “They commented on the improved clarity and brightness of the images, and how much they liked being able to keep the lights on and shades open. The early adopters quickly started using the myViewBoard digital whiteboarding software and spread the word about how useful it was to be able to annotate and highlight content.”

While the peer encouragement helped immensely, Harris knew that much more was needed to smooth the transition.

“We lean heavily into training teachers,” said Harris. “My motto for this department is that investment in teachers is investment in students.”

First, he and his team introduced the full teaching staff to the new tech at the annual district convocation meeting, where they demonstrated the solution’s capabilities, including the handy toolbar with one-touch access to apps, pens, and other front-of-glass tools; the ability to share and receive content using the ViewBoard Cast™ software; and the smooth 20-point touchscreen.

“Our goal was to build positive anticipation for the devices,” said Harris. “I think this demo definitely did that. For one thing, there were audible gasps when we demonstrated some capabilities – like the ability to draw 3D shapes.”

For another, Harris said, after the presentation he was approached by teachers who told him how excited they were to use the interactive displays in their classrooms. Resistance among change-and tech-averse teachers was waning.

In line with the district’s reputation for commitment to professional development, district leaders agreed to compensate teachers for time spent training with the ViewBoard interactive displays prior to their installation. A ViewSonic trainer held 10 two-hour zoom trainings, each covering the same ViewSonic Level 1 Module 1 lessons. Teachers were paid for their time spent after contracted hours and were allowed to attend the trainings as many times as they liked.

“Our ViewSonic trainer, George, did such a great job with the virtual training,” said Harris. “It wouldn’t be the easiest thing to do – teaching how to use a touch-based device on Zoom – but he did it. The teachers found it very valuable.” One week after the training, the most ambitious teachers were getting students out of their seats, working at the boards, and mirroring content to and from their Chromebooks. Other teachers were getting their feet wet with the intuitive teacher-centered tools on the one-touch toolbar. Student enthusiasm was palpable. Younger cohorts enjoyed anything from simple annotation, starting and stopping the timer, and erasing content – all perfect stepping stones for where the technology would take them. Virtually all students were more engaged with content displayed on the ViewBoard displays.

With around 70% of the ViewBoard solutions deployed, Harris reported that the next steps would include training in using the myViewBoard lesson creation software, which will enable teachers to develop and share content from their Google Drives.

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ViewSonic myViewBoard Software