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Peruvian School Boosts Hybrid Learning and English Language Instruction with ViewSonic ViewBoard Interactive Displays


Peruvian School Boosts Hybrid Learning and English Language Instruction with ViewSonic ViewBoard Interactive Displays


Founded in 1954, Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (CCPNA) is a distinguished educational institution dedicated to English language instruction in southern Peru. Headquartered in the city of Arequipa, it not only serves as a center for language learning but also plays a vital role in fostering cultural exchange and promoting American culture through a diverse range of events such as plays, musicals, art galleries, film screenings, round tables, conferences, and more.

Apart from its main office in Arequipa, CCPNA has branches in the cities of Puno, Juliaca, Ilo, Moquegua, and Tacna. With a comprehensive array of 20 English learning programs tailored to different age groups, academic intensity, and frequency, the institution accommodates a total of 7,000 students. These programs offer immersive National Geographic Learning experiences, ensuring a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

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“ViewSonic was the most suitable solution to meet our needs. The fact that other companies off ered similar teaching support tools that were only compatible with Android helped us make our decision.”

— Álvaro Salinas, CCPNA General Director


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  • Contar con pantallas táctiles que potencien la experiencia híbrida del aprendizaje del idioma inglés en todas sus sedes

  • Que los equipos ofrezcan la posibilidad de usar herramientas no solo dentro del ecosistema Android, sino en Windows y la plataforma Workspace de Google

  • Integrar una plataforma que permita el uso de herramientas para la fácil administración de los equipos en cuanto a encendido y apagado remoto, mensajería y demás para los profesores

  • Implementar todas estas mejoras en pocos meses para el retorno a clases de los alumnos en los primeros meses de 2023

CCPNA needed an easy way of implementing hybrid teaching across all of its campuses. Initially, they experimented with non-native touchscreen solutions and television sets. However, these options proved unsatisfactory due to subpar resolution and limited functionality. As a result, CCPNA embarked on a quest to find alternative teaching methods that could eff ectively support their new educational approach.

Álvaro Salinas, General Director of CCPNA, explains, “To achieve this, we required a cutting-edge interactive display as the cornerstone of our implementation. While we were already utilizing AI cameras and microphones in our classrooms, we lacked an interactive display solution with a robust platform to complement this transition.”

Consequently, the institution’s authorities directed their efforts towards finding a display that off ered user-friendly teaching tools and functionalities, such as those provided by the ViewSonic® myViewBoard® platform for content creation and casting. They sought an easily manageable application that could enhance both physical and online learning experiences.

The implementation process was a race against time as it needed to be completed by the beginning of 2023. To accomplish this, they relied on a slot-in OPS mini PC to power the display, making it the central component of the interactive learning experience. This setup enabled the utilization of myViewBoard software and provided teachers and students with an extensive range of resources.


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  • 109 ViewBoard IFP6532 interactive displays, and 11 ViewBoard IFP8632 interactive displays across all CCPNA sites in southern Peru. An additional display was installed at Instituto de Diseño Thomas Jefferson

  • Teacher training to effectively utilize all the functionalities that enhance the hybrid learning experience

  • myViewBoard software and Manager Advanced

After careful evaluation of various market proposals, CCPNA made the decision to procure a total of 120 ViewSonic® ViewBoard® interactive displays for their campuses. This included 109 ViewBoard IFP6532 65-inch interactive displays, and 11 ViewBoard IFP8632 86-inch interactive displays. To complement these displays, 120 VPC25-W53-O1 slot-in PC units were also included in the order. These technology resources were installed not only at CCPNA branches in southern Peru but also at their sister institution, the Instituto de Diseño Thomas Jefferson.

To facilitate efficient management and control of the interactive display network, ViewSonic® Manager Advanced™ software was seamlessly integrated into the solution. This software offers centralized control for executing tasks, performing updates, and sending messages or alarms directly to the displays, eliminating the need for physical presence in the classroom. Undoubtedly, this feature is a significant time and resource-saving advantage. Thanks to this implementation, 100% of the classrooms at the CCPNA Arequipa headquarters are now equipped with interactive displays. In the other cities, coverage reaches an impressive 90%, with the remaining margin representing areas where this implementation is not currently necessary.


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  • Significant improvement in the hybrid learning experience
  • Access to a broader range of tools for both teaching and administrative tasks for teachers
  • Fulfi llment of all the institution’s requirements at its various sites
  • Platform versatility to seamlessly work with different ecosystems
  • CCPNA has emerged as the leading English teaching institution in Peru, thanks to its advanced technological facilities

The ViewSonic solution has significantly improved the hybrid teaching experience within the CCPNA educational community.

One notable aspect of the ViewSonic solution is its compatibility with both Android-supported tools and Windows-based applications for delivering classes, as well as integration with the Google Workspace platform. Additionally, the inclusion of myViewBoard software for content creation further enhances the teaching experience.

“ViewSonic was the most suitable solution to meet our needs,” said Salinas. “The fact that other companies offered similar teaching support tools that were only compatible with Android helped us make our decision.”

Salinas further adds that the teacher training process progressed smoothly, as the use of the new equipment proved intuitive, and many teachers already possessed a clear understanding of how to handle technology. This familiarity with the capabilities of the interactive displays made it easier for them to leverage all the features.

The delivery of technology resources began in the fi nal months of the previous year, and the implementation proceeded swiftly, concluding in March 2023. According to Alex Carlos, Regional Sales Manager of ViewSonic in Peru, CCPNA has now become “the best-equipped English educational center in the country, surpassing institutions in both the south and even those operating in Lima or the north of Peru. Moreover, it has emerged as a leading educational institution in terms of technological facilities in the Andean region.”

The CCPNA representative concludes, “For us, it was essential that this experience be extended to all students, not limited to certain classrooms, such as schools or universities. We aimed to create hybrid classrooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that all our students can enjoy a high-quality hybrid learning experience.”

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