超過約 35% sRGB,100% Adobe RGB 提供更精準的色彩表現,提供電影級廣色域的色彩輸出呈現。無論是攝影比賽、出版還是商業廣告作品,都能完美呈現,讓創作者能透過優秀的色彩管理工具,呈現無窮的創造力。
VP2786-4K 通過印刷產業最可靠的全球組織–Fogra 與 Idealliance 國際印刷認證認證。 因此,透過VP2786-4K 製作設計的任何作品,皆能完美呈現色彩精準度,可避免螢幕顯示與印刷成品的色差問題,準確呈現印刷作品色彩。
HDR10 的高動態範圍更好地控制影像的伽馬值。現在您對畫面進行細微的明暗層次調整,並透過提升的解晰度和無與倫比的細節呈現,展現更多的亮暗部細節。
透過點擊或旋轉就能即時調整色彩,ColorPro 色彩校正器界面的靈敏度、平衡度和精確校色功能完美協調。與創作者的手合為一體的創作體驗,絕對感到不可思議。
整合專業合作夥伴 Pantone 資源,透過內建的 ColorPro Sense 軟體,創作者可連結至 Pantone最新的線上彩通色庫,再也不需要每年更新紙本色票外,還可將指定色彩放入 ColorPro Sense中以自動進行顏色比對,並推薦更多色彩應用建議,協助創作發想;創作者更可於雲端分享配色,輕鬆於創作社群中交流。
只需單擊或旋轉 ColorPro 色彩校正器,就可即時使用相容的 Adobe Creative Suite 或 Capture One編輯軟體,和螢幕顯示放大和縮小、調整畫筆大小、亮度設定、透明度等等。
ColorPro 色彩校正器能輕鬆調整螢幕顯示參數,只要點擊和旋轉即可滾動並調整亮度、對比度等等。
內建的 Backstage Light™ 照明燈可在暗房環境下提供照明。有白光、暖白光和黃光可選擇,讓您隨意變換燈光。
在技術和效能方面,ColorPro 是 Mac 的最佳搭檔。98% DCI-P3 採用與 Apple 的 Retina 顯示器相同的色域。Mac 中的Colour Sync 會將色彩一致化。90W USB-C 只需連接一條傳輸線即可提供音訊、影像、 資料和電源等功能,既快速又簡便。
每台 ColorPro專業色彩顯示器在裝箱前都已經預先校準。並提供色彩報告以便您開箱時使用:DCI-P3、sRGB、REC709、均勻度。
Smoother Workflow
After 50 years of monitor evolution, we strove to reimagine the human/technology interface. Our purpose was to revolutionize your creative workflow, to make it smoother, faster and more intuitive.Fueled by this single-minded passion, we reached a juncture where form equals function yielding the beauty of an exquisite minimalist design.
We launched our product development journey with zero assumptions about where it would lead us. Our starting point was to interview color-conscious creative professionals to analyze their process and workflow.
Armed with that knowledge, we set out to demonstrate that no other brand understands your needs better than ColorPro. And created a professional color calibration monitor to surpass all expectations.
In nature’s beauty, everything exists for a reason, serves its purpose, and functions exactly as it should - thanks to thousands of years of evolution. With this ‘form equals function’ concept as the basis for our design, we observed nature to spark our inspiration which led to many innovations. The end result is a monitor that performs as beautifully as it looks.
No single aspect of the ColorPro Monitor is the one key its winning awards. Rather the merging of aesthetic beauty, ideal functions and usability is the result of details that combine to merit the recognition.