Embed browser using “Make the current web page become a tool” show blank, and video(Youtube/Clips) out to the canvas that show blank

Problem statement:

When the functions of the following paths are used, the content will become abnormal blank situation:


(1) Floating toolbar > Embed browser > “Make the current web page become a tool” o the canvas.
(2) Main toolbar > Magic Box > myViewBoard Clips > “Make the current web page become a tool” to the canvas.

(3) Main toolbar > Magic Box > YouTube > Double-click a video from the search results, or drag the video out to the canvas.


Environment of software/hardware for abnormal situation:

myViewBoard Whiteboard for Windows software (v.2.36.3) when the computer hardware specification is part of the Intel graphics card mode.



In settings menu, “GPU Acceleration” change to "Disable" and re-start myViewBoard software



“Make the current web page become a tool” to the canvas.


แก้ไขล่าสุด: ต.ค. 2020

WhiteBoard การซัพพอร์ต

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