
What are the challenges faced during distance Learning?

From each person to every industry, there is no one who has not been affected by the pandemic during 2020 and 2021. It has led to school closure worldwide as containment measures to control the virus come into effect. However, Distance learning powered by emerging technologies has allowed continuity of education in many parts of the world.

Schools, colleges, and universities have been relying on distance learning to bridge geographical and time differences. It is an effective method used by schools to increase their class size without necessarily scaling up their facilities.

Although distance learning comes with its share of challenges, below is an in-depth analysis of challenges faced during distance learning and how we can combat them.

Challenges faced during distance learning:

  • Adaptability

The change from in-person to virtual learning may be very disruptive, and some learners take time to adapt to the new style. In addition, students who are used to the traditional classroom environment may find it hard to learn on online platforms. While the exact content may be delivered for physical and online classes, comprehension rates differ among learners.

  • Distractions

While studying online, there are many chances of deviating from other activities like social media or even listening to music. Distractions contribute to time wastage, loss of concentration and reduces the effectiveness of distance learning. To avoid distractions, you must identify your learning goals and objectives and build a study plan to achieve your objectives.

  • Technical Issues

Technical issues range from a low internet connection to broken hardware parts and faulty software. Plenty of technical problems arise from a lack of understanding of technology and computer applications. In addition, Internet speed plays a significant role in how quickly you attend classes. Therefore, having a high-speed internet connection is suitable for an effective, efficient, and flawless online learning experience.

  • Computer Knowledge

Distance learning requires possession of at least some basic computer knowledge. Unfortunately, many students do not have sufficient knowledge and skills like MS Word, MS Excel, and PowerPoint. Lack of computer knowledge may make it hard for learners to use communication-related apps, appropriate icons, and study materials.

  • Lack of motivation and support

Physical learning creates an environment for continuous learning through students’ support from their tutors and peers. Students who do not understand or misunderstand a concept during live online classes may find it hard to seek clarification as they are detached from the instructor. Students may also lack the motivation for their coursework due to a lack of a physical campus or their peers.

How can we combat these issues?

  • Engage them in collaborative learning- It can help students improve their understanding of key concepts, develop higher-level thinking, build communication skills and create a social element to their classroom experience. In addition, technology such as screen-sharing, cloud hosting, and video conferencing can result in effective remote collaboration.
  • Adding Right Software Solutions- Choosing the right software and technology can improve learning experiences up to a great extent. Offering shared whiteboarding, live annotations, instant huddle groups, screen sharing, and other valuable features provided by ed-tech providers can result in a significant improvement.
  • Drive Engagement and Fun- Students always love something fun and new. By tricking students into learning while making fun, it would keep them focussed and help them adapt it better. Keep student engagement up. Digital whiteboards such as MyViewBoard by ViewSonic can make a great addition to your virtual classroom for adding some online fun to it.
  • Manage Resources in The Cloud- Teachers can effortlessly manage their teaching resources from any connected device with the help of integrate cloud platforms like Google Drive and DropBox to drag-and-drop files, set access permissions, receive uploaded projects, and distribute documents with teaching devices such as MyViewBoard digital whiteboard.

Final Words

Online learning is projected to continue growing to mainstream levels, mainly driven by improvement in learning technology. However, nothing matches the traditional classroom experience, but using the right Ed-Tech tools and software in online learning could boost the effectiveness and keep the learners engaged and motivated.