Why is Chrome required?

myViewBoard uses WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) API to achieve screen sharing across various platforms such as Chromebook, PC, and Mac. Currently this can only be supported on Chrome.

What ports are required to be open in your firewall in order to run the myViewBoard ecosystem?

To properly access the myViewBoard ecosystem (including companion apps) on your network, request your IT department to open the following ports: TCP Port 443 (HTTPS): outbound UDP and TCP port 3478 bidirectional to the WebRTC server UDP Ports 50,000 – 65,535 (RTP/sRTP/RTCP) bidirectional to the WebRTC peers These ports are optional; if b...

What's the requirement of network bandwidth to ensure myViewBoard functions smoothly?

The ViewBoard IFP display is based on Android and supports a "Shared" Ethernet connection between the ARM based Android TV Scaler and the x86 Windows slot-in PC, if installed.  There limitation of this is that the slot-in PC will only receive a 100M Ethernet connection even if the Android Platform is receiving 1000M (GB) Ethernet. Please u...

Why do large-sized Google Slides/Doc fail to download via Magic Box in Whiteboard?

Teachers using GSuite services such as Google Slides, Google Doc, and others may fail to import large files via Magic Box in myViewBoard Whiteboard.    The limitation is a result of Google API limitations that only allow "exported PDF file(s) less than 10MB in size" to be exported successfully. If the exported file is larger than 10MB, then t...

Why can’t I play videos in the Embedded Browser? (CEF codec H.264)

The Embedded Browser was updated to support more website services; however, the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) has the limitation on playing video in codec H.264. This new update has affected Whiteboard users to play videos encoded in the H.264 codec. Please advise users to convert the video into Mp4 or other supported formats. This limit...

How to fix the 'Import Error' when importing docx files into Whiteboard

When users encounter 'Import Error', please adjust 'Views mode' in Windows Microsoft Word app in the steps below. First change to 'Print Layout' and close the app to fix this issue. Error message:     If Word opens in a different view, such as 'Webview' or 'Read Mode', switch to 'Print Layout' view. This can typically be done by goin...

Which iOS versions are supported on the myViewBoard app?

The myViewBoard app supports iOS 9.0 and newer.

How to resolve the issue of "image search" not found in Whiteboard?

myViewboard Whiteboard users can search images from "Image Search" and some features such as AI Pen, Embedded Browser, and Magic Box import.   In the second week of November, some users encountered an issue of "image search not found” due to a recent Microsoft API update.   The Whiteboard apps have been updated accordingly to fix this issu...

How to disable the cursor when writing on Whiteboard for Windows?

Whiteboard for Windows users may disable the "cursor" when writing with the Thick and Thin Pen on myViewBoard Whiteboard for Windows. The function can be adjusted from Windows settings. Since Windows settings in Windows 11 and Windows 10 vary, please check the user's model/Operating System. To disable the “cursor”: Step 1: In Windows OS, ...

What prompts a GIF resize alert?

Since Whiteboard for Windows version v.2.69.3, the app will resize GIF files that exceed size limitations.   Therefore, users may see this prompt when opening their files or importing GIF images. If the GIF file exceeds 480 pixels in width or height or if the file size exceeds 600 KB, the GIF will be automatically resized. If you h...

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