Why is there touch response randomly on my TD2220/TD2421 even nobody touches the screen?

These models are optical touch monitors which use two CMOS cameras (optical sensors) placed in the corners at the top of the screen as well as three reflectors (light strips). These cameras are used to look across the entire touch surface for touch events. When an object touches the screen, it blocks some of the light being received by the se...

What to do if there is shadow or double image on screen?

This can be caused by a long cable or docking stations.   Longer cables may be prone to ghosting, lines, double images, or poor focus.  The improper shielding of the cables can cause a shadowing or ghosting effect also.    We recommend to check the video cable and, if possible, use HDMI Premium certificate cable for long distance connectio...

Where to download ViewSonic monitor drivers for Win7 64-bits?

Please download the attachment and manually install the drivers under Win7 x64. File URL:https://support.viewsonic.com/helpdesk/attachments/33058629684

What to do when a black border coming on the image?

If the image doesn’t fit the screen, please do the following:   1.Check the applied resolution to make sure that they match the settings recommended in the user guide.     To check the resolution in Windows:     (1)Settings > Display > Click on the display that user wants to change the setting         (2)Change the display resolution for ...

How to change refresh rate in windows 10?

Please refer to the video on how to change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAkbjPiLNcE

How to do color calibration with my monitor?

Please refer to this FAQ, find "Calibrate your display" section and follow the instruction.

How to set landscape and portrait Mode?

Several ViewSonic LCD panels support both Landscape and Portrait modes.  If your LCD panel supports this feature, you can switch modes by turning the screen as shown in the diagram below. To change the image on the Windows Desktop, follow instructions below: Open the Start menu and click "Control Panel." Click "Adjust Screen Resolution"...

How to set maximum resolution for my monitor?

Please refer to this FAQ section 1 and set to recommended display resolution.

Is there Linux drivers for my monitor?

No, as Linux system should automatically identify and recognize the monitor.

What to do when image is pixelated?

Set the resolution higher. Test the monitor on a different computer to isolate the problem.  Please follow the instructions below on how to change the resolution on a computer running Windows 10.   To change the resolution in Windows, do the following:  Right-click on an empty area of the Windows® desktop.  From the pop-up menu, select Di...

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