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Tag: video-assisted learning

Video-Assisted Learning: Using Educational Videos to Teach
Video-assisted learning is a well-informed strategic approach to using videos in the classroom. Learn how VAL can assist students in all areas of life.

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12 Ways to Use Videos for Learning in the Classroom
Using video for learning in the classroom has been around for decades, but with the growth of digital technology in recent years, the range of opportunities is now greater than ever before. Thirty years ago, a teacher might have occasionally wheeled out a television and VHS recorder during class once or twice a term. These […]

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18 Unexpected Free Educational Videos Website for Teachers
Video-assisted learning needs often hard-to-find educational videos. Here's a list of 18 free resources to search for your class's next video lesson.

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5 Myths About Video-Assisted Learning
Video-assisted learning is the latest trend in education, but there is a lot of misinformation about it. Here are 5 myths on video learning debunked.

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Effective Educational Videos in the Classroom
Effective educational videos are the cornerstone of video-assisted learning. Find out how and where to find the ideal video content for your students.

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The Benefits of Video in the Digital Classroom
Research has repeatedly shown that video is an effective part of the digital classroom. Find out more about using video in education here.

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Wireless Presentation Displays for Education (And 4 Helpful Uses)
Wireless presentation displays are an EdTech solutions you can adopt into your classroom. Here are 4 helpful uses to get the most of them!

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Video Modelling – Video-Assisted Learning for Students with Autism
Video modelling for students with autism is proven to be an effective method of teaching. Learning how you can utilize videos is important!

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The Future of eLearning – 10 Trends To Be Aware Of
New learning technologies aren't going to replace teachers anytime soon, but you can stay ahead of the curve with this list of 10 eLearning trends.

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