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Tag: teaching methods

The 8 Learning Styles
What kind of learner are you? How can you best tailor your teaching methods for your students? Find out all about the 8 styles of learning here.

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What Is Student Engagement?
What is student engagement? It's actually a surprising number of things. Find out more about student engagement and how to improve it.

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Video Conferencing vs Live Streaming: What’s Best for Distance Learning?
When your looking at video conferencing vs live streaming, it's important to know the strengths (and weaknesses) of both solutions. Learn more here.

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6 Cases of Interactive Digital Whiteboards as an Assistive Technology in Special Education
Interactive whiteboards are easily adapted to be an assistive technology for learning disabilities in the classroom.

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5 Interactive Presentations Ideas that will Engage Students
Interactive presentations have always been the goal, and now they're easier than ever with available EdTech. Learn more here.

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10 Ways Interactive Touch Screen Displays Improve Education
Between the freedom of a whiteboard and the media power of a computer, there are lots of reasons to use interactive touch screen displays in education.

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What is Gamification in Education? 6 Ways to Gamify Your Classroom
Gamification in education is here to stay. Get 6 tips on how to add a game element to learning with and without the use of recent EdTech advances.

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What is Active Learning? And Why it Matters
Active learning results in greater skill and knowledge development than traditional teaching methods. Find out why it’s replacing old-school strategies.

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What is Blended Learning? Tips from 3 Bett Speakers
Blended learning is becoming much more common in education. Here are 3 experts' takes on blended learning and how to implement it in your class.

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