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Tag: online education

6 Benefits of Immersive Learning with the Metaverse
The metaverse can provide an immersive learning experience using digital devices and the internet so students can enjoy more engaging lessons and greater autonomy.

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How To Teach Tech-Savvy Students Using Metaverse Avatars
Metaverse avatars can assist students in exploring virtual learning environments so they feel safe, empowered, and engaged.

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8 Benefits of a Flipped Classroom
With all the buzz surrounding the flipped classroom, we take a look at how this approach benefits teachers and students alike.

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What Is a Digital Whiteboard?
Wondering what a digital whiteboard is? Let's dive in together and discover all the great possibilities it offers.

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5 Flipped Classroom Activities for High School Students
5 Flipped classroom activities for high school students that will help you create meaningful classes that meet your learning goals.

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5 Flipped Classroom Activities for Elementary School Students
These 5 flipped classroom activities for elementary students can help foster better learning outcomes during the group learning phase of each class.

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8 Flipped Classroom Examples
8 Flipped classroom examples to demonstrate how the flipped model can help achieve the learning goals of your students.

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What is the Flipped Classroom Model?
The flipped classroom model leverages the benefits of online learning to make more time for in-depth learning and discussion in the classroom.

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The Online Lab School Model of Blended Learning Explained
Blended learning doesn't have to be limited to general education. The online lab school model is great for allowing students the opportunity to learn outside of the general curriculum.

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