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Les solutions EdTech de ViewSonic équipent les écoles de la commune de Goussainville

Découvrez comment ViewSonic a accompagné la commune de Goussainville dans son projet d’écoles 100% numériques.

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ViewSonic ViewBoards Takes the City of Glasgow College Visual Learning Lab to the Next Level

Discover the collaboration between the City of Glasgow College and ViewSonic to provide market-leading solutions for hybrid learning.

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ViewSonic provides myViewBoard Training to Smestow Academy Teaching Staff

In the Autumn Term 2021, ViewSonic continued its work at Smestow Academy to provide in-depth myViewBoard training for their teaching staff.

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ViewSonic Implements Future-Proof teaching at Schloß Heessen School

With this case study, discover how the Schloß Heessen School (Germany) leveraged ViewSonic‘s solutions to implement hybrid learning.

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ViewSonic’s ViewBoard for interactive guided tours at the Hellenic IT Museum

With this case study, discover how the Hellenic IT Museum leveraged ViewSonic’s solutions to offer more immersive and engaging visits.

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ViewSonic Implements Hybrid Learning in Akadimos

With this case study, discover how Akadimos (Greece) leveraged ViewSonic‘s EdTech solutions to implement an engaging and interactive hybrid learning environment.

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ViewSonic Turns Universal Music Publishing China’s New Office Into A World-Class, Versatile Creative Space​ ​

With this case study, discover how Universal Music Publishing China implemented ViewSonic‘s solutions to turn their new office into a modern creative space. To access the full document, please click on the download button below and fill in your information.

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ViewSonic Partners with Curation Team for The “Taiwan Acts!” International Exhibition in Architekturmuseum Der TUM

With this case study, discover how Viewsonic partnered with the « Taiwan Acts » curation team and helped to create an immersive visual exhibition using mobile LED display solution kits at the Architekturmuseum der TUM in Munich, Germany. To access the full document, please click on the download button below and fill in your information.

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ViewSonic Implements Smart Learning Solutions​ at Ghaf Primary School (UAE)​

With this case study, discover how the Ghaf Primary School (UAE) leveraged ViewSonic‘s EdTech solutions to create an engaging and interactive leaning environment. To access the full document, please click on the download button below and fill in your information.

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North West London Jewish School embraces digital transformation by replacing Smartboard and projectors with ViewSonic ViewBoard solution

With this case study, discover how the North West London Jewish School opted for ViewSonic‘s ViewBoard and myViewBoard environment to replace their ageing Smartboards and projectors. To access the full document, please click on the download button below and fill in your information.

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ViewSonic and Caveat Use Remote Work to Create the Finchers

With this case study, discover how ViewSonic and Caveat‘s creative team partnered on a challenging marketing campaign developped during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, utilizing ViewSonic‘s display and software solutions at every step of the project. To access the full document, please click on the download button below and fill in your information.

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The Great Western Hospital NHS Trust embraces digital transformation to tackle Covid-19 restrictions with ViewSonic ViewBoard solution

With this case study, discover how the Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (Swindon, UK) worked with Design AV Europe, on implementing ViewSonc‘s ViewBoards and myViewBoard software suite to create a more interactive environment and reduce their total cost of ownership. To access the full document, please click on the download button below and fill in your information.

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