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Expert Tips for Integrating Interactive Whiteboards into Your Network

In the ever-evolving landscape of education technology, schools are increasingly embracing innovative solutions to enhance the learning experience. Network segmentation stands out as a critical consideration, bolstering security and efficiency as schools worldwide adopt Interactive Flat Panels to enrich their environments.

In this blog, we’ll explore the significance of Network Segmentation in education environments, especially when integrating IFPs into the network. Or learn more about ViewBoards here.

With Interactive Flat Panels (IFPs) becoming more common in schools globally, schools using single or multiple network configurations require expert advice on how to best integrate IFPs into their Education Ecosystems. Network segmentation is a solution for this, which not only ensures data security and access but also enhances network performance for schools. Using trusted IFPs and software, IT administrators can streamline the setup process for a smoother integration experience.

What is Network Segmentation?

Network segmentation is a robust solution to the security and network management demands of schools today. It involves dividing a network into isolated subnetworks to reinforce security, enhance network performance, and streamline management. Just like categorizing the books of a library makes it easier and more efficient to find desired materials, so too does network segmentation enhance the efficiency of school networks.

This makes network segmentation a key factor for schools deciding between a single network or multiple network structures. While a single network might seem budget-friendly, if left unsegmented it can become a single point of failure should a denial of service occur – when a website or online service gets overwhelmed by a flood of fake or excessive requests. On the other hand, operating multiple networks within a school, despite initial complexity and costs, significantly enhances security by containing breaches within designated segments of different networks. In both scenarios, the strategic use of network segmentation lets schools balance cost-effectiveness and long-term security considerations.

What is Network Segmentation?

What Are Interactive Flat Panels?

Interactive Flat Panels are versatile devices that can improve learning outcomes. With multi-touch support and stylus interaction, these generously sized touchscreens promote creativity, collaboration, and communication within classrooms. Seamlessly integrating with the Internet of Things (IoT) – a network of devices interconnected by their embedded sensors and software to exchange data and enhance user experiences – IFPs use internet connectivity to work with other devices in the school’s Education Ecosystem.

By seamlessly integrating into Education Ecosystems, IFPs can enhance a school’s operational efficiency. Equipped with centralized device management systems, IT administrators can swiftly and effortlessly display emergency alerts and class, meeting, and event information on IFPs using remote broadcasting. Using remote on/off scheduling, they can also limit the idle power consumption of IFPs in the school to save energy costs. Teachers can also remotely cast lesson content to IFPs in the school network, reducing setup time when changing classrooms. With these clear IoT benefits, it’s easy to understand why schools should integrate IFPs into their Education Ecosystem, and network segmentation helps to achieve this.

5 Network Segmentation Advantages for IFPs

Considering the diverse range of educational settings, encompassing single and multiple network configurations, IT administrators can take an adaptable approach to IFP integration. This can involve employing network segmentation techniques, such as device isolation, user group categorization, and security zone establishment, to ensure that IFPs remain safeguarded against potential threats. These network segmentation techniques empower administrators with precise access control, while the school benefits from optimized network performance.

The Internet of Things extends these network segmentation benefits, as safely deployed IFPs can seamlessly interact with the broader educational ecosystem. This enables real-time updates and access to relevant resources, contributing to a more immersive and interconnected learning environment that fosters engagement for students and educators alike. With this in mind, let’s explore in greater detail the benefits network segmentation brings for IFPs:

1. Strengthened Network Security

By creating isolated network segments with distinct access controls and security measures, network segmentation provides robust protection against security breaches by containing their impact. This benefits IFP users by protecting their IFPs from malware threats and potential data compromise. This approach not only safeguards sensitive data but also prevents unauthorized access to critical assets, ensuring a secure environment for both educational content and essential information.

2. Enhanced Network Performance

Segmenting network traffic optimizes data transfers and overall network performance, making IFPs more efficient to use. Segmenting the network helps to accelerate data transfers and reduce network congestion through dedicated pathways and resources. This smoothens communication and collaboration, allowing IFPs to operate at their best within Education Ecosystems.

3. Streamlined Device Control

Network segmentation creates distinct boundaries between network segments, offering administrators precise device control, particularly advantageous for IFPs. This isolation supports tailored access policies and monitoring for each segment. Furthermore, it streamlines the operation of IFPs for IT administrators without affecting other network segments.

IT administrators can take device control to the next level with centralized device management tools like myViewBoard Manager. These platforms enable efficient monitoring and configuration of devices across various network segments from a single, unified interface. Whether it involves updating firmware, applying security patches, or optimizing device performance, they streamline the workload for IT administrators, ensuring the overall security and efficiency of the network infrastructure.

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4. Streamlined Troubleshooting and Management for IFPs

Efficient troubleshooting is a valuable advantage of network segmentation and IoT integration for IFP users. When IoT devices like IFPs are secured on an isolated network, it creates a protective barrier that shields the broader network from potential issues, facilitating seamless troubleshooting. Plus, with the power of IoT data analysis, IoT deployments can collaborate to predict impending problems. This enables a proactive approach to troubleshooting that ensures reliable IFP operation. When technical glitches eventually surface within segmented IFP networks, IT administrators are well-equipped to swiftly resolve them without interrupting ongoing lessons.

5. Efficient Education Ecosystem

With network segmentation in place, lessons and online educational activities can run without interruptions, even during peak usage times. This leads to enhanced engagement among students and teachers, as they can rely on a stable connection to digital resources. Furthermore, it reduces frustration and downtime, allowing educators to maximize valuable teaching time. The overall result is a dedicated, secure, and distraction-free educational environment – one that ensures better learning outcomes for students and more effective teaching for educators.

Our Expert Advice for Your School

Network segmentation is crucial for schools integrating IFPs into their Education Ecosystem, regardless of their network configuration. If operating a single network configuration, then hosting IFPs on a dedicated network zone linked to the internet is recommended. This prioritizes security while facilitating smooth data transmission between devices and the backend server of the interactive learning platform.

For schools that have higher security requirements, IFPs should be deployed in a multiple-network system. This configuration guarantees traffic separation between networks, internet service providers, and devices, effectively protecting IFPs from disruptions that might be experienced in a single network.

It is also important to select an IFP model that seamlessly integrates with a comprehensive interactive learning platform, such as the ViewSonic ViewBoard IFPs and myViewBoard. By choosing an IFP that works with a cross-compatible platform, schools can securely deploy the IFP using network segmentation. This empowers effortless content sharing across the entire Education Ecosystem to enhance overall learning experiences.

For a comprehensive approach to network segmentation, consider three key factors when choosing the IFP model and interactive learning platform for your school:

Scalability of the Education Ecosystem

Opt for an IFP model and interactive learning platform that offer scalability. A flexible and cross-device compatible interactive learning platform, like myViewBoard, ensures the network segmentation approach can adapt to changing student numbers, curriculum expansions, and technological advancements. This flexibility minimizes disruptions in school operations and classrooms, providing a seamless educational experience.


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Manageability of the IFP

Choose systems that provide user-friendly interfaces and centralized device management capabilities, such as myViewBoard Manager. This empowers IT administrators to efficiently handle the setup, operation, and maintenance of the school’s IFPs. As a result, there is an efficient distribution of resources to boost productivity within the school.

Dependability of the Solutions Provider

Partner with reputable solution providers that put your school’s best interests first. Look for those that offer high-quality IFP development, interactive learning platforms, and reliable aftersales services, including customer support, repairs, and maintenance. This partnership ensures the effectiveness and security of network segmentation during IFP deployment.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, network segmentation is important in strengthening educational networks, particularly when incorporating Interactive Flat Panels. By practicing network segmentation, schools can bolster security, enhance performance, and streamline management. What’s more, network segmentation helps enrich learning experiences by facilitating the integration of IFPs with the Internet of Things for a seamlessly connected Education Ecosystem,

As a leader in EdTech solutions, user security is a priority. We consider network segmentation of a single network as a minimum requirement for IFP deployment, though we encourage schools to combine network segmentation with a multiple-network configuration for maximum security. To facilitate this, our myViewBoard Manager centralized device management platform presents a dependable solution for the efficient management of IFPs within existing networks.

Explore the myViewBoard Manager page today for a more secure and effective approach to managing IFPs.