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The Flex Model of Blended Learning Explained
Blended learning is great for students who have difficulties in traditional settings. Learn how you can use the flex model to increase engagement.

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The Rotation Model of Blended Learning Explained
Blended learning can be really diverse. The rotation model is great for students looking for flexibility in an organized and structured way!

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The Importance of Mathematics in STEAM Education
Mathematics in STEAM education aims to get students more engaged with the subject by making it more relevant to their daily lives.

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The Importance of The Arts in STEAM Education
The arts in STEAM education is significantly important as it teaches the skill of creative thinking that is required in almost all kinds of work.

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What Is Hybrid Learning?
Hybrid learning is an important part of the larger concept of blended learning. Here is our answer to the difficult question, "What is hybrid learning?"

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The Importance of Technology in STEAM Education
Technology in STEAM education is vitally important as a basic understanding of technology has become a minimum requirement for almost any kind of work.

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Why Esports in Schools Is a Good Thing
Is there a place for esports in school? As the esports industry continues to grow, new opportunities are opening up for students, schools, and communities.

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5 Myths About Video-Assisted Learning
Video-assisted learning is the latest trend in education, but there is a lot of misinformation about it. Here are 5 myths on video learning debunked.

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Is Esports a Sport?
Is esports a sport? While esports is a booming industry, it's definition as a sport is up for debate. Learn more about the possible future of esports.

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