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Best Video Conferencing Setup – A Complete Guide in 2024

Remote and hybrid work styles have become more popular and are here to stay, even after the pandemic. Video conferencing is now a regular part of work, pushing businesses to find the best setups for these modern ways of working. Companies must equip their teams with the right tools and software to keep up and thrive in this new environment. 

This article serves as the ultimate guide for video conferencing, regardless of whether you are based at home or in the workplace, with a focus on the hardware and software needed for effective online meetings. You may also browse through ViewSonic video conferencing monitor solutions.

For businesses operating with either remote or hybrid workforces, achieving the best video conferencing setup is crucial. Video conferencing effectively replicates the discussions and collaboration traditionally held in physical meetings. However, assembling the ideal setup is challenging due to the necessary equipment and various software packages. Let’s dive into more details on what is necessary and what it takes to create a good video conferencing setup. 

Hardware for the Best Video Conferencing Setup 

First, investing in the right hardware for video conferencing is important. On a basic level, anyone participating in a video conference will require a computer or a device capable of running video conferencing software. However, additional hardware is also required, and you can learn more in the following sections. 

Invest in the Right Monitor 

Video conferencing combines both audio and visual elements; the key piece of hardware linked to the visual element is going to be your monitor, so it is important to make the right selection. You will want to find a monitor with a high refresh rate and with a big enough screen to use video conferencing software comfortably. 

Some monitors are purpose-built for video conferencing, also known as videoconferencing monitors, and these monitors come with a built-in webcam, speakers, and a microphone, saving you the time and hassle associated with buying those items separately. Investing in one of these videoconferencing monitors is also a safe way to ensure your employees will have the level of quality they need. 

Or it might be useful to daisy chain monitors to expand the video conferencing setup. For example, you can pair a touchscreen monitor with a desktop PC via a USB-C cable. This allows you to attend a video conference on the desktop monitor while simultaneously taking notes or presenting using a stylus on the touchscreen display. 

If you’re interested in videoconferencing monitors, explore this comprehensive guide to find the perfect one for your needs. 


Video Conferencing
Docking Monitor

Learn more >

Acquire a Good Microphone 

If you do not opt for a video conferencing monitor – or any other monitor that comes with a built-in microphone – you are going to need to purchase one of these separately. This equipment lets you speak with colleagues and be heard by them, so you must make an informed decision here too. 

You will generally want to use a microphone that can deliver clear audio with minimal distortion. Most modern video conferencing software can eliminate background noise, such as typing, air conditioning, or street sounds, which can distract participants during a call. Some optional features to consider include a pop filter, which helps reduce the ‘popping’ sounds associated with plosive words, such as those starting with ‘p’, ‘t’, and ‘b’. 

Most microphones used for video conferencing will be unidirectional, picking up sound from directly in front of the mic. However, other options are available, including omnidirectional microphones, where sound is taken from all around. This may be useful for those with more advanced needs. 

Buy Speakers or a Headset 

You are also going to need to hear others on a virtual meeting, which means you are going to need either speakers, a high-quality headset, or both of those devices. Headsets are ideal for drowning out any other sounds in your environment, allowing you to focus more on the video conference you are part of. They will usually also include a built-in microphone. 

On the other hand, headsets may not be ideal in any situation where employees need to be able to hear their surrounding area, and speakers may be better for this. The main drawback with speakers is the fact that they can be distracting to other workers in the same space, especially if they are not taking part in the same video conference. 

This means speakers may not be ideally suited to hybrid setups, where people are physically present in the same location. Nevertheless, the eventual decision between speakers or a headset will depend on your circumstances. 

External or Built-In Webcam 

Another similar decision needs to be made between using an external webcam or one that is built into the monitor. The primary benefit of using an external webcam is the greater scope for flexibility. You will be able to position the webcam more freely and even physically pick it up and move it around during a video conference. 

By contrast, a built-in webcam is going to be in a fixed location, connected to the monitor. The advantage of this setup is that you can look at your screen and appear to be looking into the camera, which can give the impression of making eye contact with others in the meeting. There are some built-in webcams that have privacy sliders to prevent the potential risks of webcam hacking. 

As an article for Chron explains, when pure image quality is the main priority, a separate webcam will be the better option because there is more room for top-of-the-range lenses and auto-focus capabilities. However, a built-in webcam is easier to set up and maintain, as it’s usually ready to use immediately. Furthermore, the latest videoconferencing monitors are bridging the gap with external webcams by offering increasingly advanced features such as camera tilt, LED fill lights, built-in microphones, and even support for Windows Hello facial recognition login.   

Video Conferencing Monitor Hardware


Video Conferencing Solutions

The most obvious software you are going to need is a dedicated video conferencing package. This is the software participants will use to connect and use audio and visual technology. Crucially, the software will be able to facilitate real-time communication between multiple people at once. There is a wide range of different video conferencing solutions on the market, but some of the most popular and best-known include Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype. The popularity of these options also makes them the safest bets when your video conferencing may need to involve third parties. 

 The exact features of each of these applications do vary, but they offer similar core functionality, allowing employees to see and hear each other while making use of other communication tools. Therefore, your chosen software will depend on personal preference or on compatibility with the other software you use for work purposes.  

Digital Whiteboarding Software

In today’s fast-paced business environment, teams often face the challenge of staying connected and aligned, especially when members are dispersed across different locations. Digital collaborative tools step in to bridge this gap, offering a practical solution for daily operations.  Imagine a scenario where a project team, spread across three cities, needs to quickly pivot their strategy based on new client feedback. Team members can jump into an impromptu session, sketching out ideas on a virtual whiteboard. As they brainstorm, changes are instantly visible to all participants, allowing for immediate feedback and iterative adjustments.

They enhance flexibility and accessibility, streamlining the organization and management of emails and ongoing project communications. This ensures that team members receive updates in real time, helping to keep everyone on the same page with minimal delay. Using digital collaborative tools offers transformative potential for team dynamics. Some comprehensive digital collaborative tools, such as TeamOne, feature built-in AI-powered tools, including enhanced writing, hand gestures, and handwriting recognition. These tools are adaptable across various devices, from laptops and touch-screen tablets to large-format interactive displays, making them suitable for various meeting room settings.  

Video Conferencing Monitor Software

Final Thoughts

Setting up the ideal video conferencing system has never been more crucial for both businesses and individuals. This requires selecting the right combination of hardware and software, including webcams, microphones, speakers, and headsets. To further enhance the quality of your video conferences, consider acquiring suitable video conferencing or a digital whiteboarding software solution.  

If you prefer a simpler solution without the need to assemble various components, you might want to consider a video conferencing monitor, which integrates most necessary features into a single device. If you are tired of unproductive meetings, discover how to change that in our comprehensive guide here or explore a range of devices specifically designed for web conferencing fromViewSonic. 

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