Política de medios sociales de ViewSonic®

Todos los empleados de ViewSonic y sus empresas subsidiarias (“ViewSonic”) y todos los terceros proveedores de servicios de ViewSonic y sus empleados (“Socio empleado de ViewSonic”) deberán poner en práctica su buen criterio y comprometerse con el más alto nivel de conducta ética y profesional. Asimismo, deberán cumplir con la política de confidencialidad de ViewSonic, ya sea durante el horario comercial, después de su jornada laboral o en Internet. Como Socio empleado de ViewSonic, usted es representante de ViewSonic. Su participación en los medios sociales puede verse reflejado en ViewSonic. Por lo tanto, todas sus acciones deben reflejar integridad, así como principios intachables. 

A fin de cumplir con estos altos estándares y de acuerdo con las regulaciones aplicables, ViewSonic ha adoptado la siguiente Política de medios sociales (esta “Política”) para guiar nuestras acciones ante proveedores, clientes, compañeros de trabajo y otros miembros de la comunidad en línea. Los medios sociales son una herramienta poderosa para comunicarse con el mundo. Instamos a que todos los Socios empleados de ViewSonic utilicen los medios sociales de forma positiva y transparente. 

Esta Política se aplica a todos los Socios empleados de ViewSonic. También se aplica a cualquier tercero influyente o proveedor de servicios y a sus empleados (“Tercero comentarista de ViewSonic”) si alguna vez reciben incentivos en relación con sus comentarios o actividades en cualquier sitio web o medio social. Esta Política se aplica tanto a los medios sociales patrocinados por ViewSonic como al uso de medios sociales personales o profesionales en lo que se refiere a ViewSonic. Esta Política no tiene por objeto constituir una lista exhaustiva de todas las acciones aceptables, sino que establece las expectativas generales de ViewSonic. 



Información personal – Protect yourself on the internet and be sensitive to what personal information you share online.


Affiliation Disclosure – If you post about ViewSonic, ViewSonic products, ViewSonic promotions or endorsements, you must include the hashtag #viewsonicemployee or #iamviewsonic to disclose your affiliation with ViewSonic as may be required by the applicable laws.


Personal Opinion Disclosure – Unless authorized by ViewSonic to comment on ViewSonic’s behalf, if you comment about ViewSonic on any website or social media, you must include a disclaimer “all opinions are my own,” or the like. All comments and postings relating to ViewSonic must be truthful, accurate, not misleading and all claims are to be substantiated. Always use common sense and best judgment in any online posts. If you receive incentive(s) related to your aforesaid comment, you must include a disclaimer “the commenter receives incentive(s) related to the comment from ViewSonic, and provides the comment in a truthful, accurate and unbiased way,” or the like.”


Be Responsible and Ethical – Do not misrepresent yourself or ViewSonic in any way in online communities. If you are leaving ViewSonic, please be sure to update your employment information on social media or professional network sites.


Respect – Discrimination in any form (based on ethnicity, color, religion, gender, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, marital status, physical disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by the applicable laws will not be tolerated by ViewSonic.



Confidentiality - It is your duty as a ViewSonic Employee Partner or ViewSonic Third Party Commentator to safeguard and protect ViewSonic confidential information, including but not limited to new products / projects, finance, marketing, sales, customers, suppliers, employee partners and operations. Posting of any ViewSonic confidential information on any website or social media is strictly prohibited.


Legal Information – Do not share anything relating to a legal matter without first consulting with the legal department.


Intellectual Property – Any unauthorized use of ViewSonic or other third party intellectual property, including illegal sharing of music, videos, publications, logos or other images are strictly prohibited.


Social Media Account Ownership - If you participate in social media activities as part of your job at ViewSonic or as part of your service for ViewSonic on an account created for or on behalf of ViewSonic (“ViewSonic Branded Account”), that account is considered ViewSonic property. You may not take ViewSonic Branded Account with you if you leave ViewSonic or stop the aforesaid service provision for ViewSonic. You should inform and give the login name, password or access for the operation of ViewSonic Branded Account to your supervisor or contact window at ViewSonic. You may not change the login name, password or create similarly named account or assert any ownership of the contacts and connections you have gained through ViewSonic Branded Account. This excludes personal accounts that you may own and access at work.


Bottom line is, if you are ever in doubt about whether or not you can post something about ViewSonic, don’t do it. Any violation of the foregoing may be subject to appropriate remedial or disciplinary action by the company, including termination of employment.

Asimismo, tenga presente todas las Políticas de ViewSonic que se incluyen en el manual del empleado en caso de que deba publicar sobre ViewSonic o en nombre de ViewSonic, y verifique de forma periódica si hay actualizaciones.