Flipping Teaching On Its Head: Our Opinion On The Flipped Classroom

Have you heard of the flipped classroom teaching model? It is a teaching technique that is gaining steam across the country. The idea is that students do their homework during classroom time, and lectures are done outside of the classroom via the Internet. This allows for classroom activity to remain centered around student and teacher collaboration.


The argument is that with traditional teaching models, students can be overrun by homework assignments. When students don’t fully understand the lesson plan, completing homework at home can be difficult. For students who lack structure and guidance in the home, or a quiet place to study, completing assignments outside of school can become a nightmare.


In a recent article, Tech Decisions shared an interesting case study about Clintondale High School near Detroit. Clintondale spends most of class time giving students help rather than classroom lectures. Additionally, multimedia presentations and video conferencing with other classrooms around the world have become part of the school day for a more interactive environment.


For this school and many others like it, the individualized attention is working. Chronic failure rates have dropped dramatically, while college readiness scores have more than doubled to nearly 29 percent. The best part is that this new approach requires a very minimal investment in technology upgrades, and no alterations to existing network infrastructure. It’s a great approach for schools experiencing a decrease in financial resources. In Clintondale’s case, they needed to purchase five PCs with powerful CPU capacity to support the increase in PowerPoint presentation creation, a few USB microphones so teachers could record themselves for lessons, and two tablets for greater mobility options.


Students vary in how they learn best. That calls for leaders in education to be open to evaluating new strategies for helping students grow, both personally and developmentally. It’s great to see students achieving impressive levels of success because teachers are taking better notice of their needs.


We’d like to hear from educators whose students have seen academic gains with this method or another alternative educational model. Share your results with us, or tweet your tips to @ViewSonic.

