Noticias de la compañía

ViewSonic Reafirma su Compromiso con la Estrategia de Tableta de Windows®

Tras el intento fallido de la iniciativa de webOS de HP, ViewSonic se mantiene firme con su estrategia de tabletas

WALNUT, Calif. – August 19, 2011 – Following HP’s launch of its TouchPad tablet line in June 2011, the company yesterday announced that it will cease production of all tablet offerings.ViewSonic Corp. would like to take this opportunity to assure its customers that it will continue to support and deliver innovative tablet solutions.

“ViewSonic was among the first manufacturers to introduce a tablet solution back in Q4 2010,” said Jeff Volpe, president of ViewSonic Americas. “Since that time, we have rolled out more tablet offerings than any other provider, focusing on particular market demands. From our business-focused Windows® solutions with Android™ integration to our multimedia-optimized consumer offerings, ViewSonic has delivered a diverse tablet portfolio that addresses a wide range of individual needs. In light of this recent industry news, we would like to thank our customers for their continued loyalty and support of our products and ViewPad® line. We reaffirm that ViewSonic is fully vested in the tablet market and know you will be excited by what’s in store for the coming months.

“HP’s move to launch a tablet with an unknown OS appears to have presented a challenge in marketing their tablet solution. The webOS, unfamiliar to both consumers and enterprises, complicated the tablet sales process and thus deemed a failed experiment.

“ViewSonic offers a wide variety of solutions that are built on tried-and-tested operating systems. Our commitment to development on Windows OS remains strong and our strategic decision to partner with Microsoft was made with our customers in mind.”

To learn more about ViewSonic’s ViewPad® 10pro Windows tablet announced earlier this week, click here. To speak with ViewSonic about the company’s commitment to the tablet industry and market strategy, please contact

ViewSonic Demuestra su Liderazgo en Señalización Digital; Nombrado Ganador en la Categoría General de Annual Report Card CRN 2011

Los proveedores de soluciones reconocen a ViewSonic por la excelencia e innovación de la señalización digital

WALNUT, Calif. – August 12, 2011 ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of computing, consumer electronics and communications solutions, today announced that Everything Channel has again named the company an award winner in the prestigious 2011 CRN Annual Report Card (ARC). This year, ViewSonic was recognized with the Overall Award for Digital Signage. The CRN Annual Report Card serves as a definitive benchmark of relationships between vendors and channel partners and maintains the industry standard for measuring excellence within the channel community.

Desde su más reciente línea de ePosters con pantallas doble y funcionalidad táctil, hasta los televisores comerciales y las pantallas extremadamente anchas para cualquier espacio comercial que lo necesite, ViewSonic se enorgullece de ofrecer a los proveedores de soluciones una tienda de una parada extensiva de productos y soluciones de señalización. Junto con los reproductores multimedia en red y el software de gestión de contenidos, las soluciones de señalización digital de ViewSonic complementan los entornos comerciales de hoy en día mientras aumentan al máximo el retorno de la inversión dentro de las zonas de ventas al por menor de alto tráfico.

"Cuando se trata de la fuerza de las relaciones, la calidad de los productos y el rendimiento de los programas de socios, los proveedores de soluciones desean escuchar de sus compañeros VAR sobre los proveedores de TI que superan de forma consistente las expectativas", dijo Kelley Damore, Vicepresidente, Director editorial de Everything Channel. "El Annual Report Card les ofrece a los proveedores de soluciones la oportunidad de compartir información y reconocer a los proveedores que realmente demuestran excelencia en el canal. Felicitamos a ViewSonic por ser reconocido como el mejor de los mejores".

“Tenemos el honor de seguir siendo reconocidos con el premio ARC de Everything Channel por nuestro compromiso inquebrantable con nuestros socios”, dijo Jeff Volpe, Presidente de ViewSonic Americas. “Hemos hecho inversiones importantes en nuestra cartera de señalización digital para asegurar que nuestros clientes tengan una amplia gama de ofertas de valor para ayudar a informar sobre y promover sus negocios. Agradecemos a la comunidad VAR por el reconocimiento continuo de nuestros esfuerzos por innovar y expandir con el fin de ofrecer mayores oportunidades para nuestros socios del canal“.

ViewSonic has supported the channel for over 20 years across a range of vital vertical markets, and has consistently made efforts to ensure its programs are aligned with channel priorities. ViewSonic’s Finch Club program offers resellers streamlined access to resources to grow their businesses, including extensive promotional deals, incentive programs, sales tools, ongoing training programs and training and support webinars.

The Everything Channel ARC research team surveyed more than 3600 solution providers across 21 categories to evaluate the satisfaction they have with vendors' products, support and channel programs. CRN’s Annual Report Card issue publishes October 24, 2011. To view a slideshow of all the recognized organizations, visit

For further company information, please visit or follow ViewSonic on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

About ViewSonic
ViewSonic® Corporation is a leading global provider of computing, consumer electronics and communications solutions. ViewSonic develops, markets and supports a broad range of innovative products, including tablets, LED TVs, computers, LED monitors, projectors, digital photo frames, digital signage displays, 3D devices and digital media players. For further information, please contact ViewSonic Corporation at 800.888.8583 or 909.444.8888; or visit

ViewSonic’s Finch Club offers resellers an opportunity to benefit from specialized product training and discounts. To sign up, please visit

Everything Channel

Everything Channel is the premier provider of IT channel-focused events, media, research, consulting, and sales and marketing services. With over 30 years of experience and engagement, Everything Channel has the unmatched channel expertise to execute integrated solutions for technology executives managing partner recruitment, enablement and go-to-market strategy in order to accelerate technology sales. Everything Channel is a UBM company. To learn more about Everything Channel, visit us at Follow us on Twitter at

Acerca de UBM

UBM plc is a leading global business media company. We inform markets and bring the world’s buyers and sellers together at events, online, in print and provide them with the information they need to do business successfully. We focus on serving professional commercial communities, from doctors to game developers, from journalists to jewelry traders, from farmers to pharmacists around the world. Our 6,000 staff in more than 30 countries are organized into specialist teams that serve these communities, helping them to do business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently. For more information, go to



Nota al pie sobre marcas comerciales: Todos los otros nombres corporativos y las marcas comerciales que se citan en este documento son propiedad de sus respectivas empresas.


Este comunicado de prensa contiene declaraciones con miras al futuro que reflejan las expectativas de la empresa con respecto a próximos eventos. Los hechos reales pueden diferir significativamente de los previstos en este documento.

ViewSonic se une a la campaña "11 in 11" con la colecta de zapatos a beneficio de Soles4Souls® Inc.

Las empresas invitan a los residentes de California del Sur a reciclar sus zapatos algo gastados para distribuir a las personas necesitadas 11 millones de zapatos en 20011

Nashville, TN – April 5, 2011 – Soles4Souls Inc. has committed to collect and distribute 11 million shoes in 2011 to people living in extreme poverty and recovering from natural disasters through its “11 IN 11” campaign. ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of computing, consumer electronics and communications solutions, today announced its involvement in the project.

For a limited time, Soles4Souls and ViewSonic will be collecting gently worn footwear and/or donations to make a tangible difference through the gift of shoes. Every donation will support the charity’s initiative to distribute 11 million pairs of shoes in 2011. Those wishing to participate may start bringing shoes to ViewSonic from 8:00am – 5:00pm PDT, located at 381 Brea Canyon Road In Walnut, Calif.

Soles4Souls gives away one pair of shoes to a person in need every 7 seconds. Since 2005, the organization has distributed more than 12 million pairs because of the generosity and commitment of organizations like ViewSonic.

“We jumped at the opportunity to participate in such an important initiative,” said Jeff Volpe, president of ViewSonic Americas. “The enthusiasm and commitment of organizations like Soles4Souls are making a difference in communities all across the world. We are proud to be given the opportunity to empower our community to be a force of change as well.”

“With the earthquakes in countries like Haiti and Chile, and the recent disaster in Japan, we can use the estimated 1.5 billion shoes taking up space in the closets of ordinary people to change the world one pair at a time,” said founder and CEO of Soles4Souls, Wayne Elsey. “We rely on the generosity of partners like ViewSonic to make this initiative a reality.”

ViewSonic will collect gently worn shoes from April 4th to April 15th, 2011.

People and companies interested in donating can visit the organization’s website at

About Soles4Souls® & Clothes4Souls® 

Soles4Souls collects, recycles and reuses shoes from warehouses of footwear companies and closets from individuals. We distribute usable shoes to people in need around the world (we recycle less than 2% of donated footwear). Since 2005, Soles4Souls has given away over 13 million pairs of new and gently worn shoes (currently distributing one pair every 7 seconds). The shoes have been distributed in 125 countries, including Haiti, Kenya, Nepal and the United States. Clothes4Souls, a new division of Soles4Souls, provides hope for hurting people through the gift of new clothing from manufacturers, designers, and retailers. Those who graciously give (rather than destroy) unused inventory are assured their donations are distributed to people around the world living in desperate need. Donating parties are eligible for tax advantages. Visit or for more information.

About ViewSonic
ViewSonic® Corporation is a leading global provider of computing, consumer electronics and communications solutions. ViewSonic develops, markets and supports a broad range of innovative products, including tablets, LED TVs, computers, LED monitors, projectors, digital photo frames, digital signage displays, 3D devices and digital media players. For further information, please contact ViewSonic Corporation at 800.888.8583 or 909.444.8888; or visit

ViewSonic’s Finch Club offers resellers an opportunity to benefit from specialized product training and discounts. To sign up, please visit


Nota al pie sobre marcas comerciales: Todos los nombres corporativos y las marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivas empresas.


Este comunicado de prensa contiene declaraciones con miras al futuro que reflejan las expectativas de la empresa con respecto a próximos eventos. Los hechos reales pueden diferir significativamente de los previstos en este documento.

ViewSonic Asegura el Programa del Canal CRN Trifecta

Recibe la Codiciada Designación del Programa de Socios 5 Estrellas para Cerrar el Año con Premios ARC y Channel Chief

WALNUT, Calif. – March 28, 2011 – Following last month’s Channel Chief award and recent win of CRN’s Display Technology Annual Report Card vendor survey,ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of computing, consumer electronics and communications solutions, today announced that it has once again been named to CRN’s 2011 Partner Programs Guide and awarded a 5-Star Partner rating. CRN’s Partner Programs Guide and 5-Star Partner ratings serve as the definitive list of vendors who have robust partner programs or products that service solution providers offer directly to the IT channel. The annual list recognizes the vendors who offer solution providers the best possible partnering elements for channel success.

For nearly 25 years, ViewSonic has supported the channel across a range of vertical markets, consistently ensuring its programs are aligned with channel priorities. ViewSonic’s Finch Club program offers resellers streamlined access to resources to grow their businesses. The program features exclusive tailored pricing and promotions, targeted product training webinars, VIP customer support, and more extensive sales rewards programs and contests, along with the Recycle+ Asset Recovery Program. Additionally, Finch Club provides dedicated Digital Signage and A/V Integrator Programs, in addition to its ViewSchoolsm and GovEd Programs.

ViewSonic’s diversified product portfolio offers resellers additional ways to grow sales. From the new ViewPad® tablet line and digital signage solutions, to LED monitors and TVs, ViewSonic provides connected technologies to enhance any computing environment. And resellers can also help customers minimize their carbon footprint as a result of ViewSonic’s green commitment.

"Las empresas que figuran en la Guía de programas de socios 2011 representan los mejores programas de los canales en el mercado actual", dijo Kelley Damore, Vicepresidente y Director editorial, de CRN de Everything Channel. "De ellos, solo unos pocos consiguen nuestro premio de cinco estrellas, en función de su compromiso con el canal, amplitud de la oferta de programas y servicios que se ofrecen a sus socios. Cada una de estas organizaciones entiende que la tecnología por sí sola no hace a un programa de canal exitoso. Al centrarse en la entrega de un programa de socios completa, los proveedores de soluciones pueden trabajar juntos para impulsar oportunidades de negocio e ingresos".

“Tenemos el honor de que el programa Finch Club siga siendo identificado como uno de los programas para socios más sólido del canal", dijo Jeff Volpe, Presidente de ViewSonic Americas. "Para nosotros, se trata de recompensar a nuestros valiosos socios del canal por su continua lealtad. Estamos dedicados a que sea más fácil que nunca que nuestros revendedores trabajen con ViewSonic y es el mayor cumplido cuando nuestros esfuerzos son reconocidos con un premio tan prestigioso".

The 2011 Partner Programs Guide and 5-Star Partners listing will be featured on and in the March 28th issue of CRN.
For further information on ViewSonic’s channel initiatives, visit For further details on the company and its products, visit or follow ViewSonic on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

About ViewSonic

ViewSonic® Corporation is a leading global provider of computing, consumer electronics and communications solutions. ViewSonic develops, markets and supports a broad range of innovative products, including LCD TVs, computers, LCD monitors, projectors, digital photo frames, digital signage displays and digital media players. For further information, please contact ViewSonic Corporation at 800.888.8583 or 909.444.8888; or visit
ViewSonic’s Finch Club offers resellers an opportunity to benefit from specialized product training and discounts. To sign up, please visit

Acerca de Everything Channel

Everything Channel es el principal proveedor de eventos enfocados en el canal de TI, medios, investigación, consultoría y servicios de venta y marketing. Con más de 30 años de experiencia y compromiso, Everything Channel cuenta con experiencia de canal inigualable para aplicar soluciones integradas para los ejecutivos de tecnología que administran el reclutamiento, la habilitación y la estrategia de salida al mercado, a fin de acelerar las ventas de tecnología. Everything Channel es una compañía UBM. Para obtener más información sobre Everything Channel, visítenos en Síganos en Twitter en


Acerca de United Business Media Limited
UBM (UBM.L) focuses on two principal activities: worldwide information distribution, targeting and monitoring; and, the development and monetization of B2B communities and markets. UBM's businesses inform markets and serve professional commercial communities -- from doctors to game developers, from journalists to jewelry traders, from farmers to pharmacists -- with integrated events, online, print and business information products. Our 6,500 staff in more than 30 countries are organized into specialist teams that serve these communities, bringing buyers and sellers together, helping them to do business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently. For more information, go to



Nota al pie sobre marcas comerciales: Todos los otros nombres corporativos y las marcas comerciales que se citan en este documento son propiedad de sus respectivas empresas.


Este comunicado de prensa contiene declaraciones con miras al futuro que reflejan las expectativas de la empresa con respecto a próximos eventos. Los hechos reales pueden diferir significativamente de los previstos en este documento.