How Interactive Are Your Presentations?

Are you a professional presenter or educator who reinforces onstage presentations with a laser pen? Do you find satisfaction from instantaneous interaction with your audience during your presentation? If so, you will be captivated by some of the unique features that current presentation apps on the market provide to help you engage with your audience while driving collaboration. Two noteworthy apps that we recommend for audience interaction are DisplayNote and Doceri.


DisplayNote is a software app that enables multi-user collaboration across any platform including smartphones, tablets and laptops; with support for more than 30 devices connected simultaneously. This app allows the presenter to share their screen while enabling instantaneous communication with other connected devices. In presenter mode, presenters or teachers can use their device to control the main screen, pass control to any other connected device, assign collaborative groups, send/receive private messages and view the individual screen of any connected device. In collaboration mode, the annotations and images on the connected devices can be displayed back to the main screen or viewed by other users. Furthermore, those viewing in collaboration mode can add their own private notes, underline or highlight what’s important, capture preferred slides, and save or email the presentation for later review. DisplayNote complements existing interactive projectors, whiteboards, and touch-screen devices, including tablets and smartphones running either Apple® iOS or Android™.


The Doceri® software app allows tablet owners to remotely control a PC or Mac that is connected to a display (e.g. projectors and monitors). A duplicate screen is displayed on the tablet to give the user total control and access to their computer desktop from their mobile tablet device. Doceri features interactive functions similar to DisplayNote, allowing the user to draw, write and annotate on the projected content with save and replay functions. Doceri currently doesn’t have the multi-user collaboration mode on their existing version; however this feature will be included in the next release. The existing version currently only works with Apple iOS, but an Android version is coming soon. 


Both DisplayNote and Doceri give users the freedom to instantaneously articulate their ideas during a presentation. Whether your need is for education or business, these powerful tools promote collaboration and audience engagement.


To learn more about interactive presentation solutions, read here. Have questions about what features you need for your specific presentation needs? Ask us here on the blog.


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