Produktblatt zu den Qualitäten und Umwelteigenschaften

Artikel R.541-221 und R.541-222 des Umweltgesetzes

Supplier’s name or trade mark ViewSonic
Supplier’s address Haaksbergweg 75, 1101 BR, Amsterdam Netherlands
Product Name LCD Display
Model Name VA1655
Model Number VS18172
Product product comprising at least 0% of recycled materials
Packaging packaging comprising at least 68% of recycled materials
Product mostly recyclable product
Packaging 95% fully recyclable packaging
Presence of precious metals Contains at least 1 milligram of precious metals
Presence of rare earths Contains at least 1 milligram of rare earths
Presence of dangerous substances Contains a substance of very high concern: Lead, CAS# 7439-92-1 Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane, CAS# 540-97-6