[Owner/Admin] Subscription and plan management

For Owners and Admins

  • Viewing Subscription Details: Navigate to 'Plan' tab to view current plan details and the purchase history. 
  • Upgrading Plans: To purchase additional seats for your plan, click 'Add Quantity'. You will be redirected to the ClassSwift main page. Please complete the 'Contact Us' form to reach our sales team and finalize your purchase.

Use Cases 

  • Owner Preparing for Expansion: An owner prepares for the upcoming school year by upgrading the plan to accommodate increased student enrollmentand additional teachers, ensuring all new users will have access to necessary resources. 
  • Owner Facilitating New Programs: An owner introduces new educational programs that require specialized ClassSwift features, necessitating an upgrade to a plan that supports these enhancements. 
Naposledy upraveno: čvc 2024

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