
Caption This! - Matt Miller

3 Chrome Extensions - Matt Miller

Getting Started with Intel Unite - Grant Kelly

Boost Evidence-Based Learning

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R.E.A.L - The Heartbeat of Education - Tara Martin

R.E.A.L + The Innovator's Compass - Tara Martin

#BookSnaps - The Positive Power of Social Media - Tara Martin

Oktopus or Ximbus - Which is Best for You?

Getting Started with Oktopus

Search and Download Pre-made Lessons

How to Open Existing Lessons and Resources

How to Use Existing Apps, Sites and Lessons

Getting Started with Oktopus Standard Tools

Going Beyond Standard Oktopus Tools

Use Science Tools to Develop Engaging Lessons

Instant Student Collaboration from any Device

Import or Create a Class Roster from CSV File

Instant Assessment and Report Generation

Oktopus Blend - Tools, Content and Polling

Oktopus - Standard Software versus 360 Blend