
O Colegio Anglo Español monta uma sala de eSports e equipa suas salas de aula com tecnologia da ViewSonic


O Colegio Anglo Español monta uma sala de eSports e equipa suas salas de aula com tecnologia da ViewSonic


O Colegio Anglo Español foi fundado em 1990 na cidade de Durango, no México, trabalhando com os níveis infantil e fundamental. Em 2005, já oferecia ensino médio, ensino Superior, mestrado em educação e doutoramento em ciências da educação. Nos anos seguintes, a instituição continuou crescendo voltada para o desenvolvimento de profissionais e passou a oferecer mais dois mestrados em 2019: psicologia organizacional e engenharia administrativa. Além disso, integrou o doutorado em inovação e gestão organizacional.

O Colegio Anglo Español sempre teve o compromisso de oferecer estudos bilíngues em todos os níveis, do infantil à pós-graduação, com qualidade e conteúdo educativo conforme as necessidades apresentadas pela modernização, pelo crescimento econômico e pelo desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia. Sendo assim, a partir de 2022 tratou de atualizar suas instalações com equipamentos tecnológicos de acordo com as demandas dos professores e alunos.


"A qualidade, a vanguarda, a inovação e o suporte do equipamento da ViewSonic foram fatores determinantes na nossa escolha. A nossa experiência tem sido muito satisfatória. Sempre que usamos a tela touchscreen gostamos ainda mais e descobrimos e/ou pensamos em novos usos educativos para ela".

— Héctor Enrique Arreola Ibarra, Vice-Diretor do Colegio Anglo Español


line drawing of a circular mazeline drawing of a circular maze
  • Modernize a sala de informática

  • Trocar os projetores

  • Equipar a sala dos professores

Diante do desafio de continuar inovando em suas instalações e disponibilizar aos alunos as melhores ferramentas para prepará-los para os desafios profissionais do mundo real, o reitor Héctor Enrique Arreola Ibarra, Diretor Adjunto do Colegio Anglo Español, dedicou-se à questão do desenvolvimento tecnológico e de como gerar as competências de que os cidadãos globais do século XXI precisam. Dessa forma, identificou a oportunidade de criar uma sala de eSports e videogames para desenvolver funções didáticas, bem como de diferentes competências digitais, como programação. Isto permite aos alunos adquirir outros tipos de conhecimento como parte de sua trajetória escolar, de acordo com a série que estão cursando e a idade do aluno.

Além disso, reforçar a formação didática na aquisição de competências em torneios de forma regulada, em que Instituição pudesse controlar as atividades em função dos eSports. Por outro lado, os equipamentos de projeção das salas de aula estavam atingindo o limite da vida útile e, por isso, foi necessário renová-los com equipamentos voltados às soluções educativas existentes e que estivessem alinhadas com o plano de trabalho da instituição.

Para os professores, era necessário equipar uma sala de trabalho onde pudessem preparar as aulas com ferramentas tecnológicas mais inovadoras, que os levassem a criar aulas mais ricas e ágeis, para si mesmos e também para os alunos.


line drawing of a jigsaw puzzle pieceline drawing of a jigsaw puzzle piece
  • 11 monitores de jogos Elite XG240R

  • 6 Projetores PS600W

  • 1 Tela IFP6550

Em 2023, o Colegio Anglo concluiu o projeto de equipar a sala de eSports com 11 monitores ViewSonic XG240R, que oferecem uma incrível taxa de atualização de 144 Hz, além da tecnologia AMD FreeSync™, que elimina o cansaço visual e a cintilação ou efeito de tremer da tela para proporcionar transições fluidas nas cenas de ação rápida.

Segundo o reitor Arreola, algo que também será adquirido com este programa é o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico e do pensamento lógico-matemático, em que o aluno pode ver com clareza como é um esquema de programação, quais os passos que deve tomar e como expandir sua maneira de pensar e de tomar decisões com uma abordagem diferente.

“Seja o que for que cada criança fizer, será muito útil para ela porque o uso da tecnologia é cada vez mais necessário, independentemente da especialidade ou da profissão que a pessoa venha a ter, devido à forma como o sistema de uso da tecnologia está se desenvolvendo, onde a Internet das Coisas, o eLearning, o Big Data, questões de segurança cibernética, estão em muitos campos de atuação e oportunidades que se abriram para as pessoas, para os profissionais e para quem está prestes a escolher uma profissão. O quanto antes pudermos proporcionar esse conhecimento a eles, melhor estarão preparados para decidirem sobre o projeto profissional”, acrescentou o diretor.

Quanto aos projetores das salas de aula, a instituição de ensino optou pelos projetores ViewSonic PS600W, que podem projetar telas de até 100 polegadas. “Os equipamentos da marca são pensados para temas educativos, o que nos ajudou muito na escolha dos projetores, aliado à excelente qualidade tecnológica que procurávamos e ao acompanhamento que tivemos da marca nesse assunto”, afirmou o reitor Arreola.

Na sala dos professores, o Colegio colocou uma tela interativa tátil IFP6550 de 65 polegadas que é utilizada para questões administrativas e também no desenvolvimento das aulas dos professores. Até o momento foi instalada somente uma tela, mas no futuro pretendem ter uma em cada sala de aula. “Utilizamos a tela em todas as nossas sessões de coordenação, passando a ser um elemento necessário e fundamental para dar agilidade e clareza às reuniões com o suporte audiovisual que representa, assim como com as suas ferramentas”, destacou o professor Héctor.


Line drawing of a rocketLine drawing of a rocket
  • Contar com a primeira sala de eSports dentro de uma instituição acadêmica no México

  • Salas melhor equipadas com maior clareza e cor em suas exposições

  • Sala de professores com equipamento interativo moderno, com aplicativos que auxiliam no desenvolvimento das aulas e enriquecimento dos planos escolares dos professoress

Os monitores de eSports ajudaram a promover habilidades importantes nos alunos, como a tomada de decisão rápida e estratégica, e o trabalho em equipe. Essas habilidades são essenciais no mundo digital e podem ser transferidas para outros aspectos da vida acadêmica e profissional.

Da mesma forma, os monitores de eSports têm sido uma ferramenta valiosa para motivar os alunos e manter o interesse pela escola. A possibilidade de participar de torneios ou competições da eSports pode trazer um sentimento de comunidade, de participação e também a oportunidade de desenvolver autoestima e autoconfiança.

Com essa sala de eSports, o Colegio Anglo orienta crianças e jovens a terem interações saudáveis e respeitosas com outras pessoas. Além disso, proporciona ferramentas ou habilidades adquiridas no âmbito da formação acadêmica que abrirão perspectivas para o caminho que pretendem trilhar no futuro. Por outro lado, a atividade desencadeará competências na parte profissional, liderança, trabalho em equipe, respeito entre os concorrentes e entre os próprios membros da equipe.

O reitor Héctor Enrique Arreola Ibarra, Diretor Adjunto do Colegio Anglo Español, destacou: “os processos de ensino e aprendizado precisam ser constantemente atualizados para que as gerações atuais permaneçam concentradas na aquisição de novos conhecimentos e para colocá-los em prática e, por isso, o uso de ferramentas tecnológicas de ponta se tornam um complemento indispensável na nossa organização.”

“A qualidade, a vanguarda, a inovação e o suporte dos equipamentos da ViewSonic foram fatores determinantes na nossa escolha. A nossa experiência tem sido muito satisfatória. Sempre que usamos a tela touchscreen gostamos ainda mais dela e descobrimos e/ou pensamos em novos usos educativos para ela”, acrescentou o reitor Héctor Arreola.

O Colegio Anglo Español quer continuar equipando suas salas de aula com tecnologia que os mantenha na vanguarda e os ajude a formar cidadãos melhores e profissionais melhores, o que é um grande diferencial entre as instituições de ensino.

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ViewSonic® ViewBoard® IFP7550


Universidade ICESI Moderniza suas Salas de Aula com Tecnologia ViewSonic


Universidade ICESI Moderniza suas Salas de Aula com Tecnologia ViewSonic


A Universidade ICESI é uma das melhores instituições de ensino superior da Colômbia, classificada em diversos rankings como uma das melhores da América Latina e do mundo. É especialmente conhecida por seu trabalho na indústria, pela perspectiva internacional, pesquisa e ensino.

A ICESI forma profissionais em 29 cursos de graduação, e conta com 2 doutorados, 35 mestrados, 24 especialidades médico-cirúrgicas e 17 especializações.

Além disso, a Universidade ICESI conta com 27 departamentos acadêmicos, aos quais está vinculado um corpo docente da mais alta qualidade acadêmica, além de 267 professores, dos quais 153 têm formação de doutorado, ou estão em processo de alcançar essa categoria.

Universidad ICESI LogoUniversidad ICESI Logo

"Durante vários meses ficamos analisando os equipamentos que seriam adequados às necessidades dos nossos espaços nas salas de aula. Obviamente, avaliamos preço, qualidade, tecnologia e suporte, entre outras variáveis e optamos pela ViewSonic, empresa com a qual já havíamos trabalhado muito bem em outros projetos."

— Jorge Eliecer Pineda, Gerente de Eventos e Novos Recursos Audiovisuais da Universidade ICESI


line drawing of a circular mazeline drawing of a circular maze
  • Trocar os projetores por considerar que os que estava utilizando já estavam obsoletos e precisavam passar pela troca periódica das lâmpadas

  • Implementar novas tecnologias que facilitem o desempenho dos professores

  • Oferecer melhores ferramentas tecnológicas aos alunos

Pertencer a um seleto grupo de universidades que compete pelos primeiros lugares impõe a responsabilidade de sempre reforçar sua infraestrutura e seus equipamentos. Para isso, a divisão de serviços tecnológicos da Universidade propôs-se a trocar os projetores, por considerar que aqueles sendo utilizados já estavam obsoletos e era necessário realizar a substituição periódica das lâmpadas. Diante desse cenário, decidiram sair em busca das melhores opções oferecidas pelo mercado e conhecer novas soluções que permitissem à universidade otimizar seus recursos, além de melhorar o atendimento para os alunos.


line drawing of a jigsaw puzzle pieceline drawing of a jigsaw puzzle piece
  • Implementação dos projetores LS600W e LS610WH, com tecnologia projetada especificamente para ambientes de ensino, permitindo a evolução para um novo formato de projeção

  • Com esse projeto, ficou fácil supervisionar, programar e gerenciar o projetor de forma remota, o que facilita a gestão da área de tecnologia e permite que os professores manipulem os equipamentos de forma simples

A Universidade ICESI adquiriu inicialmente 50 projetores LS600W, tecnologia que permitiu passarem para um novo formato de projeção, concebido especialmente para ambientes educacionais. A resposta foi tão boa que, na segunda fase de implementação, eles adquiriram 100 computadores de referência e LS600W.

Uma das grandes vantagens, apontada por Jorge Eliecer Pineda, é que o gerente de TI pode supervisionar, programar e gerenciar o projetor de forma remota, o que facilita sua gestão e também a dos professores, que encontram facilidade para operar o projetor.

O LS600W e o LS610 WH são projetores WXGA de alto brilho e sem lâmpada, concebidos para ambientes educacionais. A escolha sustentável de adotar a principal tecnologia LED do setor elimina a necessidade de substituição frequente da lâmpada de mercúrio, tóxica para o ambiente, e oferece 4 mil lúmens ANSI, reduzindo o custo e o esforço gerados pela substituição frequente da lâmpada e reduzindo o custo total de propriedade.

A fonte de luz sem lâmpada oferece maior sustentabilidade para um ambiente mais verde, além de proporcionar uma gama de cores mais ampla para apresentar imagens vivas e brilhantes em salas de reunião, salas de aula ou qualquer outro ambiente. Para realizar sempre apresentações fluidas e envolventes, esses projetores oferecem imagens nítidas e de alta qualidade com resolução Full HD.


Line drawing of a rocketLine drawing of a rocket
  • Adaptação de tecnologias mais amigáveis para os professores

  • Melhores ferramentas para o aprendizado dos alunos

  • Experiência positiva de compra e implementação, tanto que a universidade compartilhou a iniciativa com outras universidades para que implementassem novos projetos

Segundo o gerente de eventos e novos recursos audiovisuais da Universidade ICESI, os resultados não poderiam ser melhores. “Tanto nossos alunos quanto o corpo docente estão desfrutando dos benefícios desses novos projetores. Os usuários ficaram satisfeitos e nós recebemos comentários positivo”, afirmou.

A experiência de compra e implementação foi tão boa que a universidade decidiu continuar trocando os equipamentos e compartilhou essa iniciativa com outras universidades, com as quais a ViewSonic já está avançando nos processos de negociação e execução de novos projetos.

Da mesma forma, Jorge Eliecer Pineda descreveu positivamente o acompanhamento total da ViewSonic na instalação e também na orientação sobre o uso de equipamentos.

a windows desktop on a projected screena windows desktop on a projected screen

ViewSonic Delivers Technology Solutions for Esports Career Pathways, Metaverse Learning, and Hybrid Classrooms with Latest Displays and Tools

Female using ViewBoards to instruct a group of employees in a large room

UNIVERSE by ViewSonic™, Gaming Monitors and Device Management Stations to Showcase Hardware and Software Teaching Applications


SAN ANTONIO, TX – TCEA 2023, Booth #1153 – (Jan. 31, 2023) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, offers solutions for next-generation hybrid teaching and learning at the TCEA Convention and Expo, Jan. 31- Feb. 2, 2023 in San Antonio, TX. The ViewSonic® education solutions can transform classrooms and learning spaces into next-generation immersive and collaborative environments.


With innovative technologies ranging from desktop touch displays and esports monitors, to ViewBoard® interactive displays and the myViewBoard® software ecosystem, ViewSonic education solutions help to optimize participation and empower teachers with the best tools they need.


ViewSonic continues to support the education community by expanding its teacher certification program and building a community platform to ignite community engagement. The company’s hands-on approach to professional development has proved to be of great benefit for schools according to past participant reviews. Premium services begin with on-site PD that can also leverage virtual services. This helps to consistently infuse ViewSonic technologies throughout the instructional process so that educators can deepen their level of understanding.


“At TCEA, ViewSonic will have multiple stations to showcase how esports, metaverse teaching and learning, as well as device management can benefit schools,” said Kenneth Mau, Product and Channel Marketing Director at ViewSonic. “The fluidity of today’s learning and teaching environments can be a challenge for teachers and students. Together we can evolve with tools that take learning to a higher level. ViewSonic has been working with schools and teachers to create solutions so that sharing ideas, while communicating and learning with consistency, is the primary goal.”


There will also be several Micro-EdTalk sessions throughout the conference, from Digital Whiteboard training to metaverse education, held at the ViewSonic booth.


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


Sobre a ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard® software ecosystem. With 35 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference®.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic Delivers Technology Solutions for Esports Career Pathways, Metaverse Learning, and Hybrid Classrooms with Latest Displays and Tools

Feamle gamer using a headset and ViewSonic VX16 series monitor to play a game

UNIVERSE by ViewSonic™, Gaming Monitors and Device Management Stations to Showcase Hardware and Software Teaching Applications


NEW ORLEANS – FETC 2023 Booth #2801 – (Jan. 24, 2023) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, offers solutions for next-generation hybrid teaching and learning at the Future in Education Technology Conference [FETC], Jan. 24-26, 2023 in New Orleans, LA. The ViewSonic® education solutions can transform classrooms and learning spaces into next-generation immersive and collaborative environments.


As leaders in visual display solutions, ViewSonic transforms classrooms into immersive learning environments. With innovative technologies ranging from desktop touch displays and esports monitors, to ViewBoard® interactive displays and the myViewBoard® software ecosystem, ViewSonic education solutions help to optimize participation and empowers teachers with the best tools they need.


ViewSonic continues to support the education community by expanding its teacher certification program and building a community platform to ignite community engagement. The company’s hands-on approach to professional development has proved to be of great benefit for schools according to past participant reviews. Premium services begin with on-site PD that can also leverage virtual services. This helps to consistently infuse ViewSonic technologies throughout the instructional process so that educators can deepen their level of understanding.


“At FETC, ViewSonic will have multiple stations to showcase how esports, metaverse teaching and learning, as well as device management can benefit schools,” said Kenneth Mau, Product and Channel Marketing Director at ViewSonic. “The fluidity of today’s learning and teaching environments can be a challenge for teachers and students. We’ve been working with schools and teachers to create solutions so that sharing ideas, while communicating and learning with consistency, is the primary goal. Together we can evolve with tools that take learning to a higher level.”


Ruben Caputo, vertical marketing manager for education at ViewSonic will also be speaking at three presentations during FETC:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 24th from 12:15pm to 12:45pm: ESPORTS THEATER, Booth 551
    “From Player to Creator: Preparing Students for Careers in Interactive 3D”
    Find out how one can leverage student interest in games and esports to amplify a teaching program and prepare students for real-world skills.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 25th from 12:30pm to 1:00pm: ESPORTS THEATER, Booth 551
    “Pathway to Professional Careers in Esports”
    Esports has grown into a viable industry for many alike. This session will discuss the available career options as well as the pathway to obtain the available opportunities within the industries of gaming and esports.

  • Thursday, Jan. 26th from 9:45am to 10:15am: ESPORTS THEATER, Booth 551
    “The Esports Education Playbook: Empowering All Learners Through Inclusive Gaming”
    The esports ecosystem reaches far beyond that of the player. This extends into career possibilities in areas around game design, broadcasting, video production, advertising, and more.


There will also be several Micro-EdTalk sessions throughout the conference, from Digital Whiteboard training to metaverse education, held at the ViewSonic booth.


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


Sobre a ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard® software ecosystem. With 35 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference®.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

Demanda por soluções visuais impulsiona forte primeiro trimestre para ViewSonic Canadá

Advancements in hybrid work and EdTech fueling demand for collaboration solutions, driving revenue growth for ViewSonic and its channel partners

Toronto, ON (May 5, 2022) – ViewSonic Canada, a subsidiary of ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, today announced strong first quarter performance driven by demand for its visual solutions across hybrid work and EdTech markets. In the transition back to the office and classroom, visual engagement solutions that connect people wherever they are, have proven to be critical enablers. This demand accompanies ViewSonic’s best-in-class partner program and one of the industry’s widest arrays of visual solutions encompassing hardware, software, service integration and best-in-class support. To support accelerating market demand, the ViewSonic Partner Program has been continually expanded with financial rewards and incentives to help drive partner growth at every stage of business.


“With 40% year-over-year growth, and 33% year-over-year for the quarter, our visual solutions are proven enablers for anywhere operations, digital learning and creating the digital spaces that are so essential for collaboration, content creation and sharing,” says Deidre Deacon, General Manager and Channel Chief for ViewSonic Canada. “From our strong partner network and robust inventory to more competitive pricing and expanded channel programs, we’ve exceeded growth expectations in Q1 and are on track for continued performance as we look towards closing the second half. Creating more opportunities for national, regional and market-focused VARs is our focus as we deepen our reach into growth markets for visual solutions and help drive partner profitability.”


In the first quarter, ViewSonic introduced a range of new visual solutions across all categories including commercial displays, interactive flat panel displays and whiteboarding software, desktop and gaming monitors, and projection display systems. The company’s depth and breadth of displays include the latest interactive and touch technology, in screen sizes for every application – from 15”to 98”. The company also expanded its bounty programs to include both virtual and in-person demo options that can be booked online 24/7, providing even more flexibility and paths for partners to build margin.


Gartner forecasts that by the end of 2023, 40% of organizations will move to anywhere operations blending virtual and physical experiences for increased productivity and customer reach. With its breadth of collaboration solutions that unlock the potential of anywhere collaboration and distributed workflows, ViewSonic and its partners are positioned for continued growth. Financial incentives at the core of its channel program provides ViewSonic’s partners with monthly rewards and rebates on focused lines of business, volume pricing opportunities and access to extensive digital resources through an accessible, easy to use online partner portal.


"As the pandemic subsides, innovative new digital spaces where people can interact are emerging across hybrid work, e-learning and commercial markets,” says Deacon. “We’re only starting to scratch the surface on realizing the true potential of collaboration solutions in connecting people in these new digital spaces, driving content creation, sharing and productivity. To support this innovation and enable continued growth, we’re expanding our national sales team with the addition of a new senior team member. Based in Vancouver, B.C., Don Kwan will support help us reach aggressive revenue targets in enterprise, commercial and education sectors for the western region. With a strong first quarter in the books and a track record of year-over-year growth, our team couldn’t be better positioned or more excited for the opportunities ahead.”


ViewSonic Partner Program

ViewSonic is a partner-first company, with a strong global partner network and diverse multi-source supply chain uniquely positions it as a vendor of choice within today’s enterprise, education, commercial and consumer markets. For more information or to join the ViewSonic Partner Program, click here.

For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on LinkedIn  Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solution products and conducts business in more than 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and the myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With more than 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets, and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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Media Contact:

Caroline McGrath

CMM Communications for ViewSonic Corp.

T: 416-972-1642


ViewSonic Expands its LED Projector Line with Two New Models for Enterprise and Education Markets

The LS500WH and LS550WH Projectors Feature Latest LED Technology, WXGA Resolution and Flexible Set-Up Functionality for Easy Installation

Brea, CA (abril 26, 2022) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, expands its line of LED-based projectors with two new additions to the LS series. The LS500WH and LS550WH LED projectors come with next-generation LED technology, offering a lifespan of up to 30,000 hours (hours may vary based on usage and other factors), an IP5X sealed optical engine and installation-friendly features that make both projectors ideal for small to medium business and classroom environments and applications.

Both projectors utilize the latest solid-state LED technology that is both mercury-free and lamp-free, offering a greener, filter-free projector solution. The LS500WH and LS550WH projectors deliver a brightness of 2,000 ANSI lumens/3,000 LED lumens and a high contrast ratio, producing bright images in nearly any environment.


The LS500WH and LS550WH LED projectors feature native WXGA (1280x800) resolution and 125% Rec.709 for stunning image quality and color reproduction. The LS500HW comes with a 1.55-1.70 throw ratio, while the LS550WH features a 0.49 short-throw lens, allowing it to be spaced efficiently in smaller environments. Both offer 360-degree tilt angle projection to ensure flexibility when installed, while the automatic on/off feature ensures efficiency and power savings.


“These two new projectors come with the latest LED technologies to offer our partners more lamp-free projection choices,” said Mia Shen, Sr. business line manager of projectors at ViewSonic. “The projectors can maximize brightness levels, enhance colors, and provide more installation options in small to medium sized spaces. The regular and short-throw options also ensure that either projector will fit in just about any type of environment.”


LS500WH LED Projector

• LED-based projector with native WXGA (1280x800) resolution at 2,000 ANSI/3,000 LED lumens of brightness

• New generation LED technology-based projector; RGB LED light source enhances brightness

• 125% Rec.709 for color accuracy and vivid color reproduction

• 55-1.70 throw ratio with 1.1x optical zoom

• Connectivity options include: HDMI 1.4/HDCP 1.4, RS232

• Energy saving features such as: Auto Power Off, Sleep Timer and Power Savings functions

• Available: April 2022 for an estimated street price of $599.


LS550WH LED Projector

• Short-throw LED-based projector with native WXGA (1280x800) resolution at 2,000 ANSI/3,000 LED lumens of brightness

• New generation LED technology-based projector; RGB LED light source enhances brightness

• 125% Rec.709 for color accuracy and vivid color reproduction

• Connectivity options include: HDMI 1.4/HDCP 1.4, RS232 and RJ45

• Energy saving features such as: Auto Power Off, Sleep Timer and Power Savings functions

• Integrated Crestron, AMX, Extron and ViewSonic vController network management tools

• Available: April 2022 for an estimated street price of $699.


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 35 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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*Lightsource lifespan may vary based on actual usage and other factors. Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic Launches New LED-Based Smart Home Theater Projectors

The X1 and X2 Projectors Features the Latest LED Technology for High Brightness, Harman Kardon Speakers and Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Connectivity

Brea, CA (January 6, 2022) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, announces the launch of two new LED-based smart home theater projectors. The X1 and X2 are lamp-free projectors utilizing next-generation LED technology to ensure higher brightness levels and up to 30,000 hours of usage. The ViewSonic X1 and X2 projectors feature native 1080p resolution, color reproduction technologies for stunning image quality, as well as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for sharing entertainment from other devices.


Both projectors deliver true-to-life colors through the company’s proprietary Cinema SuperColor+™ technology, while the Dynamic Black technology offers more image depth by automatically adjusting for brightness levels, allowing users to see more dark scene details. With 125% Rec.709 color coverage, the X1 and X2 provides vivid images with high-contrast performance, and the dual built-in Harman Kardon speakers ensure a truly immersive experience.


With the Bluetooth feature, the X1 and X2 can be used for personal entertainment, either doubling as a powerful Bluetooth speaker with music from a phone or tablet or can be used with Bluetooth headphones for personal viewing and listening. The built-in 5GHz Wi-Fi connectivity speed enables screen mirroring from smart devices to the big screen, making streaming easier than ever. Users can also control the X1 and X2 from a smart phone through the vCastSender app from ViewSonic for effortless navigation and touch control.


“The X1 and X2 projectors are the next generation of ViewSonic smart projectors,” said Mia Shen, Sr. Business Line Manager of Projectors at ViewSonic. “We used the latest LED technology to ensure that we get higher brightness levels so these projectors can be used in various ambient light settings. The LED light source also makes them super convenient to power on/off, and calibration and modifications can simply be made with the unique sliding door design at the top of the projectors. The X1 and X2 not only provide high brightness and a large viewing screen but offer better colors, a longer lifespan and smart features and a great price compared to laser projectors.”


Designed to make installation and picture adjustments easier, the X1 can be quickly set-up on a tabletop or mounted to a ceiling. Featuring a 0.69-0.83 short throw ratio, the X2 can deliver a screen size up to 100” from only 1.53 meters away—that means scaled up excitement larger than any TV screen. Because of their sleek looks, both projectors can be set up in any location without interfering with existing interior designs. The X1 comes with a 1.3x optical zoom lens and the X2 has a 1.2x optical zoom, and both feature auto keystone and 4-corner adjustment functions that ensure perfectly shaped images from above, below, front or side and make set up a breeze.


X1 Projector

• Standard throw home theater projector with 2nd generation LED technology and native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 3,100 LED lumens of brightness and up to 30,000 hours of usage

• Connectors include: USB Type-C and A ports, HDMI 2.0/HDCP 2.2 (2x)

• 16GB local storage to save content directly onto the projector

• Easy and convenient firmware updates through FOTA/Wi-Fi connection

• Vertical lens shift, 1.3x optical zoom, H/V keystone and 4-corner adjustment

• Instant on/off and maintenance free

• Available: April 2022 with an estimated street price of $999*


X2 Projector

• Short-throw home theater projector with 2nd generation LED technology and native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 3,100 LED lumens of brightness and up to 30,000 hours of usage

• Connectors include: USB Type-C and A ports, HDMI 2.0/HDCP 2.2 (2x)

• 16GB local storage to save content directly onto the projector

• Easy and convenient firmware updates through FOTA/Wi-Fi connection

• Vertical lens shift, 1.2x optical zoom, H/V keystone and 4-corner adjustment

• Instant on/off and maintenance free

• Available: Apr 2022 with an estimated street price of $1099*


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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*Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic Introduces New Monitors and Projectors for Gaming, Home Entertainment and Professional Creators

Product Highlights Include: Monitors from the ELITE Gaming Line, New Portable and Professional Color-Calibrated Models, as well as Smart LED Projectors

Brea, CA (jan. 4, 2022) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, launches its latest display products for the upcoming year. The product line-up includes new additions to the ViewSonic ELITE™ series of gaming monitors, the latest displays for entertainment and work, including a portable gaming monitor, ColorPro™ displays for creators and smart LED-based projectors. The wide range of new monitors and projectors from ViewSonic deliver performance, quality and value for work and play.


ViewSonic loaded the latest technology features into these new monitors and projectors, from 2nd generation LED light sources in the latest projectors to a mini-LED panel for the flagship ELITE gaming monitor. The line-up for these next generation displays deliver astounding entertainment and productivity options. Designed for functionality and various applications in both work and play, ViewSonic® display solutions deliver uncompromised performance.


“These new ViewSonic displays are designed to deliver performance, functionality and productivity,” said Jeff Muto, business line director at ViewSonic. “The newest additions to the ViewSonic ELITE gaming monitors provide both professional and casual gamers the ability to level-up their gaming experiences. ColorPro monitors ensures boosted productivity from both home and hybrid office environments. The portable gaming monitor and new smart LED projectors provide entertainment options, from either the couch or wherever one decides to relax. ViewSonic products offer features, technologies and flexibility, wherever work or play leads you.”




• 32-inch IPS with native 4K UHD (3840x2160) resolution

• The highest of 1,152 distinct Mini-LED zones with full-array local diming technology (FALD)

• 144Hz refresh rate; 3.6ms response time

• NVIDIA G-Sync Ultimate Certification and NVIDIA Reflex Analyzer

• VESA DisplayHDR1400 for 1400 cd/m2 peak HDR brightness; SDR brightness of 400 cd/m2

• Connectivity includes: 3x HDMI (v2.0), 1x DisplayPort (v1.4), 4x USB (1x upstream, 3x downstream) and one Audio-Out (3.5mm)

• Customizable ViewSonic ELITE RGB Lighting

• Available: Q1 2022 for an estimated street price of $2,499.99* [USD]



• 25-inch IPS with 1080p Full HD (1920x1080) resolution

• 360Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time (GtG w/OD)

• NVIDIA G-Sync Ultimate Certification and NVIDIA Reflex Analyzer

• VESA DisplayHDR400 certified with 99% sRGB color coverage; SDR brightness of 400 cd/m2

• Connectivity includes: 2x HDMI (v2.0), 1x DisplayPort (v1.4), 4x USB (1x upstream, 3x downstream) and one Audio-Out (3.5mm)

• Available: Q1 2022 for an estimated street price of $799.99* [USD]



• 27-inch IPS with native 2K (2560x1440) resolution

• 240Hz refresh rate; 1ms response time

• NVIDIA G-Sync Ultimate Certification and NVIDIA Reflex Analyzer

• Supports VESA DisplayHDR 400 and Adobe 99%* color coverage and factory color calibrated

• Connectivity includes: 2x HDMI (v2.0), 1x DisplayPort (v1.4), 4x USB (1x upstream, 3x downstream) and one Audio-Out (3.5mm)

• Available: January 2022 for an estimated street price of $899.99 [USD]



VX1755 Portable Gaming Monitor

• 2-inch portable monitor with a native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 144Hz refresh rate, 4ms response time and AMD FreeSync Premium technology

• Connectivity includes: 2x USB Type-C for 2-way charging, mini-HDMI and 3.5mm headphone jack

• Less than one-inch thick (0.6-inch) with a weight of 2.2 pounds

• 3-sided bezel-less design with built-in stand; dual integrated speakers

• Available: Now with an estimated street price of $299.00* [USD]


ColorPro VP16-OLED

• 15.6-inch portable monitor with a native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 100% DCI-P3 coverage, 400nits of brightness, 1ms response time, 60Hz refresh rate

• Connectivity includes: 2x USB Type-C for 2-way charging, mini-HDMI and 3.5mm headphone jack

• OLED panel with highly adjustable stand and built-in hood and cover accessory.

• Available: Q2 2022 with an estimated street price of $499.99 [USD]



ColorPro VP32-OLED

• 32-inch monitor with native 4K UHD (3840x2160) resolution, OLED panel

• New ID, award-winning design, IF Good Design Award and Wallpaper Award

• Color wheel for OSD navigation and color calibration

• 3rd party integration: Adobe and Pantone Validated

• Connectivity includes: USB-C 90W, Thunderbolt 3, HDMI

• Available: Q2/Q3 2022 for an estimated street price of $4,999.99* [USD]



X1 Smart LED Projector

• Home theater projector with smart LED technology and native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 3,100 LED lumens of brightness and up to 30,000 hours of usage

• Cinema SuperColor+™ Technology with 125% Rec.709 wide color gamut

• Built-in Harmon Kardon speakers

• 16GB local storage

• Standard throw lens, vertical lens shift, 1.3x optical zoom, H/V keystone and 4-corner adjustment

• Connectivity includes: USB-C and A ports, HDMI 2.0, HDCP 1.4/2.2 (2x)

• Available: April 2022 with an estimated street price of $999.00* [USD]


X2 Smart LED Projector

• Short throw home theater projector with smart LED technology and native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 3,100 LED lumens of brightness and up to 30,000 hours of usage

• Cinema SuperColor+™ Technology with 125% Rec.709 wide color gamut

• Built-in Harmon Kardon speakers

• 16GB local storage

• Short-throw lens, 1.2x optical zoom, H/V keystone and 4-corner adjustment

• Connectivity includes: USB-C and A ports, HDMI 2.0, HDPC 2.2 (2x)

• Available: April 2022 with an estimated street price of $1,099.00* [USD]


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference®.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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*Lightsource lifespan may vary based on actual usage and other factors. Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic Delivers Solutions to Help ProAV Professionals Manage the Evolving Environments in the Business and Education Markets at InfoComm 2021

ViewSonic Showcases New Interactive Flat Panel Series and Highlights its Line of Collaboration Tools and Display Solutions

Orlando, FL (Oct. 27, 2021) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, showcases its line of collaborative and integrated display solutions at InfoComm 2021 in Orlando, FL, October 27-29, 2021. ViewSonic offers a wide range of displays, from ViewBoard interactive touchscreens for classrooms and boardrooms, to gaming monitors that create the perfect esports arena, to rugged commercial displays for wayfinding and messaging across campuses.


With its broad line of display solutions, ViewSonic delivers products that help ProAV installers and integrators manage the evolving environment changes for their customers. Whether the office or classroom is in-person, remote or hybrid, ViewSonic has the integrated solutions to create an ecosystem that fits best for the customer. These display solutions become essential to communication, messaging, and collaboration.


A singular ecosystem allows for the convergence of hardware and software, ensuring ProAV professionals can offer improved recommendations to their customers. This type of all-in-one solution can help reduce the processes of applications, from bids and demonstrations to evaluations and purchases, and with shorter deployment cycles, that complement tighter budgets. In addition, ViewSonic’s revamped partner program delivers new financial incentives and sales enablement tools that make it easy for partners to drive growth as demand accelerates for collaboration solutions.


“Businesses, schools and other industries, such as healthcare, need different solutions to connect, not only with each other, but for their clients, employees, and students,” said Ryan Strayer, Senior Director of ProAV Distribution at ViewSonic. “ViewSonic focuses on what our ProAV partners need to continue to build their businesses and ensure that their customers’ requirements are met. We have a wide range of technologies and feature-rich display solutions to promote productivity and communication.”


InfoComm Highlight Products:



ViewBoard IFP62 Series Interactive Displays

• Native 4K Ultra HD (3480x2160) resolution

• Bezel-less PCAP (projected capacitive) touchscreen provides a natural and responsive handwriting experience

• USB-C with up to 65W of power delivery for charging your accessories

• Integrated 2.1 sound system (2x 12W front-facing speakers and 1x 15W subwoofer)

• Built-in MEMS microphone array with noise cancellation capabilities

• Comes with myViewBoard and ViewBoard Cast software for interactivity, collaboration, communication, and engagement

• Cloud-based myViewBoard™ Manager allows for remote monitoring, managing apps and pushing out broadcasts


ViewBoard® Série IFP52 monitores interativos

• Native 4K Ultra HD (3480x2160) resolution

• Integrated 45W sound bar (2x 15W front-facing speakers and 1x 15W subwoofer)

• Built-in microphone array with audio detection and noise cancellation capabilities and front-facing connectivity ports

• USB-C with up to 60W of power delivery for charging your accessories

• Enhanced user interface for access to Side Tool Bars to easily call-up shortcut menus and access to On-Screen Display

• Comes with myViewBoard™ and ViewBoard Cast™ software for interactivity, collaboration, communication, and engagement

• Cloud-based myViewBoard™ Manager allows for remote monitoring, managing apps and pushing out broadcasts


All-in-One Direct View LED Displays

• 108-inch to 216-inch sizes, all-in-one, direct view LED displays

• Easy to install and collaborate for a cost-effective, all-in-one video wall solution

• Native 1080p Full HD (1920x1080) resolution; 120% Rec.709 color; 600 nits of brightness; 4,440Hz refresh rate; ultra-fine pixel pitch

• Embedded SoC platform; Android 8.0 O/S; 4GB RAM; 32GB internal memory

• Integrated ViewBoard Cast™ local screen sharing software and the myViewBoard™ Display remote content sharing software

• Cloud-based myViewBoard™ Manager allows for remote monitoring, managing apps and pushing out broadcasts

• Chrome, Android, Windows, Mac OS, and iOS compliant


CDE7520-W Large Format Presentation Display

• 75-inch premium 4K large format presentation display

• Native 4K Ultra HD (3480x2160) resolution; 450-nit high brightness; 178-degree ultra-wide viewing angles

• Embedded SoC platform; Android 8.0 O/S; 3GB RAM; 16GB internal memory

• Integrated ViewBoard Cast™ local screen sharing software and the myViewBoard™ Display remote content sharing software

• Cloud-based myViewBoard™ Manager allows for remote monitoring, managing apps and pushing out broadcasts

• Chrome, Android, Windows, Mac OS, and iOS compliant



ELITE XG2431 Monitor de jogos

• Ultra-sleek, borderless 24-inch gaming monitor with native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 240Hz refresh rate; ultra-fast 1ms (MPRT) response time

• AMD FreeSync Premium technology; Blur Busters approved; Exclusive PureXP™ Motion Blur Reduction

• VESA HDR400 Certified

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out



LS500W LED Projector

• LED-based projector with native WXGA (1280x800) resolution at 3,000 LED lumens of brightness

• 2nd generation LED technology-based projector; RGBB LED light source enhances brightness*

• 125% Rec.709 color accuracy with Cinema SuperColor+ technology for vivid color reproduction

• Connectivity options include: HDMI 1.4/HDCP 1.4, RS232 and Component inputs

• Energy saving features such as: Auto Power Off, Sleep Timer and Power Savings functions


See all of the products showcased at InfoComm here. For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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*Light source lifespan may vary based on actual usage and other factors. Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic Showcases the Latest Gaming, WFH and Home Entertainment Monitors and Projectors for the Holidays

For the Gamer, the Hybrid Home/Office Worker and Family Time at Home, ViewSonic Monitors and Projectors Deliver Performance and Fun

Brea, CA (Oct. 14, 2021) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, showcases its line of gaming, work-from-home and entertainment display solutions that can fulfill everyone’s wish list during the holiday gift-giving season. ViewSonic offers a wide range of monitors and projectors that can be used for work or leisure. From the aspiring esports professional or casual gamer who wants the latest gear, to the work-from-home/hybrid office worker who wants to boost productivity, to the family member that just wants to binge TV shows on the couch on a big screen, ViewSonic offers performance-driven monitors and projectors that meet the needs to watch and share content.

The ViewSonic line of products include the latest ViewSonic ELITE™ gaming monitors, displays that are ideal for work from home and projectors big and small. Packed with the latest technology features for functionality and designed for multiple applications, these ViewSonic solutions deliver performance that help users be their best and enjoy their lives.


“ViewSonic continues to offer great solutions whether for productivity or fun,” said Jeff Muto, business line director at ViewSonic. “The latest ViewSonic ELITE gaming monitors give both professional and casual gamers the ideal features and technologies to up their gaming. The ColorPro® and portable monitors ensure that productivity is at a maximum, whether you’re working from home or splitting time between a hybrid office environment. And, finally, when the day is over, you can relax, and binge watch the latest TV show or movie on a big screen with our projectors. Whatever the need is, ViewSonic has the solution.”




• 32-inch IPS gaming monitor with native 4K (3840x2160) resolution

• 144Hz refresh rate at 4K via single cable (supported by HDMI 2.1)

• 1ms response time (GTG) with PureXP™ Motion Blur Reduction

• AMD FreeSync® Premium Pro technology

• VESA HDR 600 and Adobe RGB 99%* color coverage; Brightness of 400 cd/m2

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 2.1, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out

• Customizable ViewSonic ELITE™ RGB Lighting

• Available: October 2021 for an estimated street price of $999.99* [USD]


• 32-inch 2K QHD gaming monitor with 2560x1440 resolution

• 175Hz refresh rate at 4K via single cable

• 5ms response time (MPTR) with PureXP™ Motion Blur Reduction

• Nvidia G-Sync Compatible

• VESA HDR 600 and Adobe 99%* color coverage; Brightness of 400 cd/m2

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 2.1, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out

• Customizable ViewSonic ELITE™ RGB Lighting

• Available: October 2021 for an estimated street price of $729.99* [USD]



• Ultra-sleek, borderless 24-inch gaming monitor with native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 240Hz refresh rate; ultra-fast 1ms (MPRT) response time

• AMD FreeSync Premium technology; Blur Busters approved; Exclusive PureXP™ Motion Blur Reduction

• VESA HDR400 Certified

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out

• Available now for an estimated street price of $349.99* [USD]



VP2756-4K ColorPro Monitor

• 27-inch monitor with native 4K (3840x2160) resolution with a SuperClear® IPS panel

• Factory-calibrated to deliver Delta E<2

• Auto-Pivot function to easily toggle between full-sized portrait and landscape modes; split screen functionality (via vDisplayManager)

• Connectivity options include: USB-C, HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort and a USB-A/B hub

• Blue Light filter and Flicker-Free eye care technology help reduce eye strain over an extended period of viewing

• Available: Now with an estimated street price of $489.99* [USD]


VG2740V Webcam Monitor

• 27-inch video conferencing monitor with built-in webcam; native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Full HD camera/webcam with adjustable +/- 5°tilt; physical shutter for privacy

• Omni-directional microphone and dual 2W stereo speakers

• Connectivity include: VGA, HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort, USB A/B and Audio-In and Audio-Out

• Available: Now with an estimated street price of $310.00* [USD]




M2e Portable Projector

• LED-based projector with native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Easy set-up and use with single cable, USB Type-C connector and advanced instant auto focus and auto keystone

• 125% Rec.709 color space for amazing image quality and proprietary Cinema SuperColor+ technology

• Built-in Harman Kardon speakers; Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for flexible connectivity

• 2 pounds for portability

• Connectors include: HDMI 1.4/HDCP 1.4, MicroSD and Audio-out

• Available: Now with an estimated street price of $599.99* [USD]



• Native 4K (3840x2160) projector with 3,200 ANSI lumens of brightness

• 240Hz and 5ms response time (at 1080p resolution)

• Easy installation features include warping, automatic vertical, manual horizontal/vertical keystone, and four-corner adjustment

• Features the latest DLP XPR chipset from Texas Instruments for HDR/HLG content support

• Connectivity options include: HDMI 2.0/HDCP 1.4/2.2, USB 2.0, Audio-Out and RS232

• Up to 20,000 hours* (estimated) lamp life

• Available: Now with an estimated street price of $899.99* [USD]


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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*Lightsource lifespan may vary based on actual usage and other factors. Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

The ViewSonic XG2705-2K and M2e Products Honored with a 2021 TWICE VIP Award

The XG2705-2K Monitor and M2e Projector Took Wins in the Computer & Gaming: Gaming Monitor, and Home Theater: Home Theater-in-a-Box Categories, Respectively

 BREA, CA (Agosto. 13, 2021) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of display solutions, announced that both the XG2705-2K gaming monitor and M2e portable projector have received a TWICE VIP Award for 2021. The XG2705-2K and M2e garnered the top prize in the Computer & Gaming: Gaming Monitor, and Home Theater: Home Theater-in-a-Box categories.

The TWICE VIP Awards celebrate the best features, design, and value that new products are bringing to consumers. Voted on exclusively by consumer tech retailers, distributors, and other readers of TWICE, the leading voice in the Consumer Electronic industry, these picks showcase which companies and manufacturers deliver value.

“We’re thrilled that the readers of TWICE voted for both the XG2705-2K gaming monitor and the M2e portable projector in their respective categories,” said Jeff Muto, business line director of displays at ViewSonic. “ViewSonic is proud of our aptitude to adjust and offer amazing display solutions for both our retail partners and the consumer. We all went through changes in the last year, and consumer tech products helped us adapt the way we work and are entertained.”


XG2705-2K Gaming Monitor

• 27-inch monitor with native QHD (2560x1440) resolution

• Ultra-fast 1ms (MPRT) response time, 144Hz refresh rate with AMD FreeSync™ Premium technology

• Three-sided bezel-less design to maximize viewing space; also allows for seamless multi-display set-up

• Connectors include: HDMI and DisplayPort to connect to multiple devices

• Built-in comfort with fully ergonomic stand and blue-light filter to help reduce eye strain

• Available: Now at an estimated street price of $399.99* [USD]


M2e Portable Projector

• LED-based projector with native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Easy set-up and use with single cable, USB Type-C connector and advanced instant auto focus and auto keystone

• 125% Rec.709 color space for amazing image quality and proprietary Cinema SuperColor+ technology

• Built-in Harman Kardon speakers; Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for flexible connectivity

• 2 pounds for portability

• Connectors include: HDMI 1.4/HDCP 1.4, MicroSD and Audio-out

• Available: Now at an estimated street price of $599.99* [USD]


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.



TWICE is the leading brand service the B2B needs of those in the technology and consumer electronics industries. Anchored to a 20+ times a year publication, the brand covers consumer technology through a suite of digital offerings—, eNewsletters, events and custom content including native advertising, white papers, video, and webinars. Leading companies and its leaders turn to TWICE for perspective and analysis in the ever-changing and fast-paced environment of consumer technology. Find out more about the awards at or the magazine site at


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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*Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.

 This news release contains forward-looking statements that reflect the Company’s expectations with regard to future events. Actual events could differ significantly from those anticipated in this document. Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice. ViewSonic and the ViewSonic trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of ViewSonic Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other corporate names and trademarks stated herein are the property of their respective companies.

ViewSonic Offers Display Solutions for Productive Hybrid Home/Office Settings and Entertainment at Home

Desktop Monitors with Color Accuracy Settings or Built-In Webcams; New Gaming Monitor with FreeSync Premium Technology; 43-inch Interactive Flat Panels for Dedicated Home Offices; Portable Projector for Entertainment on the Go

 BREA, CA (junho 23, 2021) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of display solutions, showcases new products to help create productive hybrid home/office environments, as well as products to relax and be entertained at home. New professional desktop and gaming monitors, a 43-inch ViewBoard® interactive display and portable projector are part of the latest products that offer productivity and fun for the home.

The VP3481a and VP2756-4K are the latest monitors under the professional ColorPro® series. These professional monitors deliver color-accurate picture quality with industry color standards including sRGB, Adobe RGB, calibration and uniformity. Engineered to deliver consummate color accuracy, which is crucial for professional applications, the VP3481a and VP2756-4K monitors delivers vivid and lifelike colors. The VP3481a monitor is PANTONE-validated, meeting the requirements of the PANTONE full range of 2,161 colors. With a sleek 3-sided frameless design, the VP2756-4K provides a near-seamless viewing experience ideal for multi-monitor setups. It is equipped with USB-C for single cable connectivity to deliver video, audio, and 60W of power delivery.

The ViewSonic® ViewBoard® IFP4320 is the ideal display for smaller collaboration spaces in hybrid work environments. Featuring 4K Ultra HD resolution and an advanced, next-generation touchscreen that delivers high-accuracy, the IFP4320 delivers smooth handwriting and annotation experiences, making it usable for dedicated home offices, workplace cubicles, huddle spaces and other settings. It comes with integrated myViewBoard® annotation software and ViewBoard Cast™ streaming software, which allows users to collaborate remotely with others from any location. The USB-C connectivity ensures quick and easy connection to laptops and PCs so that the IFP4320 can function as a primary touchscreen device.

“As we change from a complete work-from-home environment to a more hybrid office/home situation, one’s equipment needs to have the functionality to handle this shift,” said Jeff Muto, business line director at ViewSonic. “Both the home and office environments need to be set-up to ensure comfort while boosting productivity. ViewSonic is introducing new display solutions that can tackle the latest changes at work, while also working from home. We have all-in-one solutions with the VG2740V monitor, which features an integrated webcam, speakers and microphone for video conferencing. And, let’s not forget about one’s leisure time and how people can relax. The ViewSonic ELITE™ XG2431 gaming monitor can heighten gameplay for maximum immersion, while the M2e portable projector lets users lay back and watch the latest show or movie whenever and wherever they want to relax.”


ColorPro VP3481a Professional Monitor

• 34-inch curved screen with native WQHD+ (3440x1440) resolution

• USB-C connector with 90W power delivery and built-in ethernet for less cable clutter; other connectivity ports include HDMI, DisplayPort and USB-hub for your peripherals and accessories

• Pantone® Validated 100% sRGB color gamut coverage, 14-bit, 3D look-up table

• Factory calibrated with Delta E>2 for color accuracy out-of-the-box; HDR10 support

• 100Hz refresh rate and AMD FreeSync technology for content with speed, fast-motion colors

• Available: Now for an estimated street price of $749.99* [USD]


ColorPro VP2756-4K

• 27-inch 4K UHD monitor

• SuperClear® IPS panel

• 3-sided frameless design

• Pantone® Validated 100% sRGB color gamut coverage, Factory Calibrated

• USB-C connector with 60W power delivery: other connectivity ports include HDMI, DisplayPort and USB-hub for your peripherals and accessories

• Available: now for an estimated street price of $489.99 [USD]


VX3418-2KPC Multimedia Monitor

• 34-inch monitor with native WQHD (3440x1440) resolution

• 1500R curved screen 144Hz (w/DisplayPort) refresh rate and a 1ms (MPRT) response time

• Adaptive Sync technology; exclusive ViewMode™ presets for optimized screen performance

• Connectivity options include 2 HDMI (v2.0) and 2 DisplayPort (v1.4)

• Available: July 2021 for an estimated street price of $450.00* [USD]


VG2740V Webcam Monitor

• 27-inch video conferencing monitor with built-in webcam; native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Full HD camera/webcam with adjustable +/- 5°tilt; physical shutter for privacy

• Omni-directional microphone and dual 2W stereo speakers

• Connectivity options include: VGA, HDMI, DisplayPort, USB A/B and Audio-Out

• Available: Q3 2021 for an estimated street price of $310.00* [USD]


XG2431 ELITE Gaming Monitor

• 24-inch gaming monitor with native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 240Hz refresh rate; ultra-fast 1ms response time

• AMD FreeSync Premium technology; Blur Busters approved; Exclusive PureXP™ technology

• Connectivity includes: HDMI, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out

• Available: Q3, 2021 for an estimated street price of $349.99* [USD]



ViewBoard IFP4320

• 43-inch ViewBoard interactive display with native 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160) resolution

• USB-C connectivity, which can also provide up to 60W power delivery for convenient charging of other peripherals and accessories

• Other connectivity options include: HDMI 2.0, DVI-D, DisplayPort, USB 2.0 and RJ45

• Built-in myViewBoard™ digital whiteboarding software and myViewBoard™ Manager, a cloud-based management solution to remotely monitor devices, manage apps, push out broadcasts and more within the myViewBoard ecosystem

• Integrated ViewBoard Cast™ so content can be streamed from mobile devices onto the display over wireless or cable networks

• Advanced, next-generation touchscreen for high accuracy, and a smooth and responsive experience

• Available: July 2021 with an estimated street price of $999.00* [USD]



M2e Portable Projector

• LED-based projector with native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Easy set-up and use with single cable, USB Type-C connector and advanced instant auto focus and auto keystone

• 125% Rec.709 color space for amazing image quality and proprietary Cinema SuperColor+ technology

• Built-in Harman Kardon speakers; Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for flexible connectivity

• 2 pounds for portability

• Connectors include: HDMI 1.4/HDCP 1.4, MicroSD and Audio-out

• Available: Now at an estimated street price of $599.99* [USD]


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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*Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.

 This news release contains forward-looking statements that reflect the Company’s expectations with regard to future events. Actual events could differ significantly from those anticipated in this document. Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice. ViewSonic and the ViewSonic trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of ViewSonic Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other corporate names and trademarks stated herein are the property of their respective companies.

ViewSonic Showcases Portable and Home Entertainment Projectors at Projection Expo 2021

The LED-Based M2e Portable and DLP PX748-4K Offer Big Picture Solutions for Home Entertainment, Gaming and Sharing Content

Brea, CA (June 15, 2021) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, will showcase its latest consumer-based projectors to ProjectorCentral's audience of A/V professionals and consumers during Projection Expo 2021, June 15-17, 2021. The company's virtual booth will feature its family of projection solutions, images, downloadable materials, and videos, including a video interview with ProjectorCentral editor-in-chief Rob Sabin that spotlights ViewSonic’s most important booth highlights.

With estimated street price of $999.99, the PX748-4K DLP® projector is an easy way to upgrade a home entertainment environment to 4K technology. The projector can be used for big picture enjoyment on a table-top or installed for a permanent home entertainment display solution. The M2e is an LED-based portable projector that comes with built-in Harman Kardon speakers, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi connectivity. At only 2.2 pounds, the M2e can be carried and used in various rooms in a home or while on-the-road.

“We’re happy to be showing off the latest consumer-based home entertainment projectors with the PX748-4K and M2e portable projector. The PX748-4K features a high brightness level and boasts an ultra-low input lag at 4.2ms with a 240Hz refresh rate (at 1080p resolution), making it ideal for big-screen entertainment day and night, especially for gaming,” said Mia Shen, Sr. Business Line Manager of Projectors at ViewSonic. “The M2e is a native 1080p projector that was engineered to be portable and powerful, especially when sharing Full HD content. Users can watch the latest action movies or TV shows in Full HD resolution.”


• Native 4K (3840x2160) projector with 4,000 ANSI lumens of brightness

• Direct big screen streaming with a single USB Type-C connector

• 2ms ultra-fast input lag at 240Hz refresh rate (at 1080p resolution)

• Installation friendly with 1.3x zoom, warping, automatic vertical keystone, and four-corner adjustment features.

• Home automation ready with LAN control and 12V trigger options

• Connectivity includes HDMI 2.0/HDCP1.4, USB Type-C and Audio-Out

• Available: July 2021 with an estimated street price of $999.99* [USD]


• LED-based projector with native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Easy set-up and use with single cable, USB Type-C connector and advanced instant auto focus and auto V keystone

• 125% Rec.709 color space for amazing image quality and proprietary Cinema SuperColor™+ technology

• Built-in Harman Kardon speakers; Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for flexible connectivity

• 2 pounds for portability

• Connectors include: HDMI 1.4/HDCP 1.4, MicroSD and Audio-out

• Available now with an estimated street price of $549.99* [USD]


• Native 4K (3840x2160) projector with 3,200 ANSI lumens of brightness

• 240Hz and 4.2ms response time (at 1080p resolution)

• Easy installation features include warping, automatic vertical, manual horizontal/vertical keystone, and four-corner adjustment

• Features the latest DLP XPR chipset from Texas Instruments for HDR/HLG content support

• Connectivity options include: HDMI 2.0/HDCP 1.4, USB 2.0, Audio-Out and RS232

• Up to 20,000 hours* (estimated) lamp life

• Available now with an estimated street price of $899.99* [USD]


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ProjectorCentral has served the projection industry with news, reviews, and powerful buying and installation tools for 22 years. ProjectorCentral's exclusive database with specs for 11,000 projectors, and its Projection Calculator, are critical industry resources. Detailed projector reviews deliver respected opinions for home theater enthusiasts and commercial integrators and help make ProjectorCentral "The World's Largest Projector Resource™".


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solution products and conducts business in more than 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and the myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With more than 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets, and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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*Light source lifespan may vary based on actual usage and other factors. Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic Previews Two New Laser-Based Installation Projectors at Projection Expo 2021

The LS920WU and LS921WU Feature Native WUXGA Resolution and 6,000 ANSI Lumens of Brightness with 2nd Generation Laser Phosphor Technology

Brea, CA (June 15, 2021) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, will preview its upcoming laser-based installation projectors at Projection Expo 2021, June 15-17, 2021. The company's virtual booth will offer ProjectorCentral's audience of A/V professionals and consumers the chance to see the ViewSonic family of projection solutions. At the booth, viewers can find images, downloadable materials, and videos, including a video interview with ProjectorCentral editor-in-chief Rob Sabin that spotlights ViewSonic’s most important booth highlights.

With the LS920WU and LS921WU, ViewSonic expands its family of laser-based projectors suited for the installation market. ProAV partners can increase their offerings of standard and short-throw projection options for their customers looking for high brightness in large venue environments and for creative applications with its 360-degree rotation and 90-degree portrait mode function. An integrated HDBaseT input allows the projectors to receive uncompressed HD audio and video over long distances through a single network cable.

“ViewSonic engineered the LS920WU and LS921WU installation projectors with the latest laser phosphor technology to deliver more lamp-free projection solutions to our ProAV/IT partners,” said Mia Shen, Sr. business line manager of projectors at ViewSonic. “We applied the latest generation of laser technology to maximize the brightness levels, enhance colors and added several installation-friendly features and options to enhance digital signage usage and creative applications, so that the LS920WU and LS921WU projectors can really be used in a variety of ways.”

The ViewSonic® LS920WU and LS921WU projectors utilize second generation laser phosphor technology for improved heat resistance while delivering excellent image quality and improved brightness by at least 20 percent. Designed to be smaller, lighter, and sleeker than previous generations of laser projectors, the LS920WU and LS921WU can be easily installed into any type of environment, making them perfect for large-scale digital signage communications.



• 2nd generation laser-based projector with WUXGA (1920x1200) resolution and 6,000 ANSI lumens of brightness

• Installation-friendly features: 1.6x optical zoom, 360-degree placement configuration, portrait mode, wide H/V lens shift, keystone, and four-corner adjustments

• Integrated HDBaseT input for uncompressed HD audio/video through a single network cable

• Sealed optical engine with IP5X to prevent dust and moisture exposure

• Built-in Crestron e-Control system and RoomView Express management software for remote management; Crestron and AMX certified

• Dual HDMI 2.0b/HDCP 2.2 ports to support 4K HDR/HLG content

• Available in Q4 2021 with an estimated street price of $3,499.00*



• 2nd generation laser-based projector with WUXGA (1920x1200) resolution and 6,000 ANSI lumens of brightness

• 81-0.89 short throw ratio for minimal space consumption

• Installation-friendly features: 1.1x optical zoom, 360-degree placement configuration, portrait mode, wide H/V lens shift, keystone, and four-corner adjustments

• Integrated HDBaseT input for uncompressed HD audio/video through a single network cable

• Sealed optical engine with IP5X to prevent dust and moisture exposure

• Built-in Crestron e-Control system and RoomView Express management software for remote management; Crestron and AMX certified

• Dual HDMI 2.0b/HDCP 2.2 ports to support 4K HDR/HLG content

• Available in Q4 2021 with an estimated street price of $3,799.00*


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ProjectorCentral has served the projection industry with news, reviews, and powerful buying and installation tools for 22 years. ProjectorCentral's exclusive database with specs for 11,000 projectors, and its Projection Calculator, are critical industry resources. Detailed projector reviews deliver respected opinions for home theater enthusiasts and commercial integrators and help make ProjectorCentral "The World's Largest Projector Resource™".


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solution products and conducts business in more than 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and the myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With more than 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets, and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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*Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic Introduces its Latest Slate of Monitors and Projectors for Gaming, Professional Content Creators, Home Entertainment, and Hybrid Work/Play Environments

New Display Solutions include the Company’s First 8K ColorPro Monitor, a 32-inch 4K, Single-Cable Monitor for Next-Gen Gaming, and Enhanced 4K and Portable Projectors

 BREA, CA (janeiro 11, 2021) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of display solutions, showcases its latest display solutions ranging from monitors for gaming and work-from-home environments to projectors for entertainment and portability. Packed with the latest technology features for functionality and designed for multiple applications, these ViewSonic® display solutions deliver performance that remains uncompromised.

ViewSonic will introduce its line of new display solutions, including the company’s first 8K ColorPro™ monitor with Adobe RGB and color-sensor and color-blind modes; new ViewSonic ELITE™ gaming monitors including a 32-inch, 4K, HDMI 2.1 monitor with FreeSync® for next-generation PC/console gaming; a value-rich 4K projector for astounding entertainment and casual gaming experiences, and an upgraded LED-based, 1080p portable projector with smart connectivity.

“ViewSonic continues to develop display solutions that can fit into anyone’s lifestyle, from a hybrid work/learn environment to just enjoying something that provides entertainment, whether it’s gaming or binge-watching shows,” said Jeff Muto, Business Line Director, at ViewSonic Corp. “Our latest displays were designed to perform with next-generation gaming, hardware and applications to make everyone’s experience a little better and offer flexibility. Our ColorPro monitors feature color blind modes and ensure color accuracy for professional content creators, while our ELITE gaming monitors are developed to take gamers to the next level. We have 4K and 1080p projectors that can provide big-screen content.”

ColorPro Monitors


• 32-inch monitor with native 8K (7680x4320) resolution

• Adobe RGB 99%* for a wide color gamut coverage

• Color-blind mode with advanced color adjustments for improved color recognition

• Connectivity options include: Thunderbolt 3, DisplayPort and a USB hub

• Available: Summer 2021 with an estimated street price of $4,999.99** [USD]



• 32-inch monitor with native 4K (3840x2160) resolution

• Adobe RGB 100%* for the widest color gamut coverage

• Color-blind mode with advanced color adjustments for improved color recognition

• Connectivity options include: Thunderbolt 3, DisplayPort and a USB hub

• Available: Summer 2021 with an estimated street price of $1,999.99** [USD]



• 27-inch monitor with native 4K (3840x2160) resolution

• Adobe RGB 100%* for the widest color gamut coverage

• Color-blind mode with advanced color adjustments for improved color recognition

• Connectivity options include: Thunderbolt 3, DisplayPort and a USB hub

• Available: Summer 2021 with an estimated street price of $999.99** [USD]



• 27-inch monitor with native 4K (3840x2160) resolution

• 100% DCI-P3 color space for video editing and digital cinema

• Color-blind mode with advanced color adjustments for improved color recognition

• Connectivity options include: USB-C, DisplayPort and a USB hub

• Available: Summer 2021 with an estimated street price of $899.99** [USD]



• 27-inch monitor with native 2K (2560x1440) resolution

• 100% DCI-P3 color space for video editing and digital cinema

• Color blind mode with advanced color adjustments for improved color recognition

• Connectivity options include: USB-C, DisplayPort and a USB hub

• Available: Summer 2021 with an estimated street price of $499.99** [USD]


ELITE Gaming Monitors


• 32-inch IPS gaming monitor with native 4K (3840x2160) resolution

• AMD FreeSync® Premium Pro technology

• 144Hz refresh rate at 4K via single cable (supported by HDMI 2.1)

• VESA DisplayHDR 600 and Adobe 99%*** color coverage; Brightness of 600 cd/m2

• 1ms response time (MPRT) with PureXP™ (MPRT) technology

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 2.1, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out

• Available: Summer 2021



• 32-inch IPS gaming monitor with native 2K (2560x1440) resolution

• 165Hz refresh rate

• G-SYNC Compatible

• VESA DisplayHDR 600 and Adobe 99%*** color coverage

• 1ms response time with PureXP™ (MPRT) technology

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out

• Available: Summer 2021



• 32-inch IPS gaming monitor with native 4K (3840x2160) resolution

• Absolute control 144Hz refresh rate

• G-SYNC Ultimate with NVIDIA Reflex

• Supports VESA DisplayHDR 1000 and Adobe 99%*** color coverage; Brightness of 1400 cd/m2

• Mini-LED backlights with 1,152 zones for high luminance and deep darks

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out

• Available: Summer 2021



• 27 -inch IPS gaming monitor with native 2K (2560x1440) resolution

• 240Hz refresh rate; 1ms response time

• G-SYNC with NVIDIA Reflex

• Supports VESA DisplayHDR 400 and Adobe 99%*** color coverage

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out

• Available: April 2021



• 24-inch IPS gaming monitor with native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 240Hz refresh rate; 1ms response time

• AMD FreeSync Premium technology

• Supports VESA DisplayHDR 400

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort, USB-A/B and Audio-Out

• Available: March 2021


Monitors [Work from Home/Portable]


• 24-inch video conferencing monitor with built-in webcam; native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Full HD camera/webcam with adjustable tilt; physical shutter for privacy

• Omni-directional microphone and dual 2W stereo speakers

• Connectivity includes: VGA, HDMI, DisplayPort, USB A/B and Audio-Out

• Available: January 2021 for an estimated street price of $219.99** [USD]



• 34-inch ultra-wide multimedia monitor with native WQHD (3440x1440) resolution

• 21:9 aspect ratio and frameless design provides extra screen space for more content

• AMD FreeSync® technology and can decode HDR10 video signals

• Bright at 420 cd/m2; Features “Game,” “Movie,” “Web,” “Text” and “Mono” presets for optimized viewing

• Connectivity includes: HDMI, DisplayPort, and Audio-Out

• Available: Feb. 2021 for an estimated street price of $349.99** [USD]



• 6-inch portable capacitive touch monitor with 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 10-point projective capacitive touchscreen for smooth and natural writing experience (stylus included)

• 3-sided bezel-less design

• Connectors include: two USB Type-C for 2-way power delivery and mini-HDMI

• Less than one-inch thick (0.6-inch) and a weight of 2 pounds

• Available: Now with an estimated street price of $239.00** [USD]



• 6-inch portable monitor with 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Less than one-inch thick (0.6-inch) and a weight of 2 pounds

• Connectors include: two USB Type-C for 2-way power delivery and mini-HDMI

• Built in kickstand to support portrait and landscape orientation

• Display cover included

• Available: Now with an estimated street price of $179.00** [USD]




• Native 4K (3840x2160) projector with 3,200 ANSI lumens of brightness

• 240Hz and 5ms response time [at 1080p resolution]

• Easy installation features include warping, automatic vertical, manual horizontal/vertical keystone and four-corner adjustment

• Features the latest DLP XPR chipset from Texas Instruments for HDR/HLG content support

• Connectivity options include: HDMI 2.0/HDCP 1.4, USB 2.0, Audio-Out and RS232

• Up to 20,000 hours**** of lamp life

• Available: January 2021 with an estimated street price of $899.99** [USD]



• Native 4K (3840x2160) projector with 4,000 ANSI lumens of brightness

• Direct big screen streaming with a single USB Type-C connector

• Installation friendly with 1.3x zoom, warping, automatic vertical keystone and four-corner adjustment features

• Home automation ready with LAN control and 12V trigger options

• 5ms ultra-fast input lag at 240Hz refresh rate [at 1080p resolution]

• Connectivity includes: HDMI 2.0/HDCP1.4, USB Type-C and Audio-Out

• Available: March 2021 with an estimated street price of $999.99** [USD]



• LED-based projector with native 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Easy set-up and use with single cable, USB Type-C connector and advanced instant auto focus and auto V keystone

• 125% Rec.709 color space for amazing image quality and proprietary Cinema SuperColor+ technology

• Built-in Harman Kardon speakers ; Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for flexible connectivity

• 2 pounds for portability

• Connectors include: HDMI 2.0/HDCP 1.4, MicroSD and Audio-out

• Available: March 2021 with an estimated street price of $549.99** [USD]


To access additional information and product images, go to the ViewSonic Press Room. For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit

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* As porcentagens são calculadas usando as especificações fornecidas pelos fabricantes de painéis e foram arredondadas para o número inteiro mais próximo. Os valores reais podem variar em 1% dependendo do modo de cor utilizado.

**Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice. As porcentagens são calculadas usando as especificações fornecidas pelos fabricantes de painéis e foram arredondadas para o número inteiro mais próximo. Os valores reais podem variar em 1% dependendo do modo de cor utilizado.

*** Percentages are calculated by using the specifications as provided by the panel makers, and have been rounded to the nearest integer. Actual values may vary by 1% depending on the color mode used.

**** Lamp lifespan may vary based on actual usage and other factors.


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic Offers Holiday Gift Ideas to Fill Any Type of Viewing for the Tech Fan in Your Life

From the Twitch Streamer and Pro-Level Gamer to the Road Warrior or Stuck-at-Home Couch Surfer, ViewSonic has the Display Technology to Meet their Needs

BREA, CA (outubro. 21, 2020) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of display solution products, shows off the company’s line of display products for the upcoming holiday season. From the most demanding techie who wants the latest technologies in their monitor to the esports athlete that wants the best in gaming and everything in between, ViewSonic has the display technology solution. ViewSonic offers performance-driven monitors and projectors that meet the needs to view and share content.

Does the road warrior in your life need a second screen to practice safe physical distancing yet still share information? Need a home entertainment option that keeps the family together for movie nights? The ViewSonic line of display products include ELITE gaming monitors, portable monitors, smart 4K home theater and PICO projectors.


For the Gamer: ELITE Gaming Monitors


• 27-inch gaming monitor with native 2560x1440 (QHD) resolution and a brightness of 400 nits

• IPS panel certified for VESA DisplayHDR 400

• 165Hz refresh rate* and 1ms (GtG) response time

• NVIDIA G-SYNC Compatible technology to eliminate screen-tearing and minimizing stutter and input lag

• Frameless design and built-in speakers, along with an integrated mouse anchor, headphone hook, ViewSonic ELITE RGB ambient lighting and ultra-thin brushed aluminum base

• Available: Now; Estimated street price of $479.99**



• 27-inch gaming monitor with native 2560x1440 (QHD) resolution

• 144Hz refresh rate* (165Hz OC) and 1ms (GtG) response time

• NVIDIA G-SYNC technology to eliminate screen-tearing and minimizing stutter and input lag

• IPS Nano Color panel delivers a 98% DCI-P3 color coverage to bring games to life with deeper and more vibrant colors

• Frameless design and built-in speakers, along with an integrated mouse anchor, headphone hook, ViewSonic ELITE RGB ambient lighting and ultra-thin brushed aluminum base

• Available: Now; Estimated street price of $599.99**



• 27-inch gaming monitor with native 2560x1440 (QHD) resolution with a 1500R curvature for an immersive experience

• Certified for VESA DisplayHDR 400 for entry point into HDR gaming

• PureXP™ technology to reduce motion blur; AMD FreeSyncTM Premium Pro technology

• 165Hz refresh rate* and 3ms (1ms MPRT) response time

• Brightness of 550 cd/m2 and wide DCI-P3 90% color coverage

• Available: Now; Estimated street price of $449.99**


Entertaining at Home: Projectors


• LED-based smart projector with native 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160) resolution

• Supports Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant voice control, integrated Smart TV interface for streaming from popular content sources

• HDR content support, 125% Rec.709 color accuracy and frame interpolation technology

• Built-in Harman Kardon Bluetooth speakers

• Lightweight design and easy carry handle for easy transfer from room to room, outdoors to indoors

• Available: Now; Estimated street price of $1,499.99**


For On-the-Go: Portable Projectors and Monitors

TD1655 Portable Touch Display

• 6-inch portable touch display with 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 10-point projective capacitive touchscreen for smooth and natural writing experience (stylus included)

• 3-sided bezel-less design with built in kickstand for portrait and landscape orientation

• Connectors include: two USB Type-C for 2-way 60w charging and mini-HDMI

• Thin and Light design: Half-inch thin (0.6 inches) and weighs 2.1 pounds

• Available: Now; Estimated street price of $239.00**


VG1655 Portable Monitor

• 6-inch portable monitor with 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Thin and Light design: Half-inch thin (0.6 inches) and weighs 2.0 pounds

• Connectors include: two USB Type-C for 2-way 60w charging and mini-HDMI

• Built-in kickstand to support portrait and landscape orientations; Display cover included

• Available: Now; Estimated street price of $179.00**



• Super-portable LED-based projector with an award-winning, lightweight design and under two pounds

• 300 LED lumens of brightness, native WVGA (854x480) resolution

• Built-in Harman Kardon Bluetooth speakers

• Battery provides up to six hours of power and 30,000 hours of usage ***

• Includes: MicroSD card slot, HDMI, USB 2.0 and USB Type-C

• Available: Now; Estimated Street Price: $289.99**



• Portable LED-based projector weighing under two pounds

• 300 LED lumens of brightness, native WVGA (854x480) resolution

• Built-in battery provides up to six hours of power and 30,000 hours of usage***

• 16MB of built-in memory; Integrated smart Wi-Fi connectivity and Smart TV interface for streaming and sharing content

• Integrated Harman Kardon Bluetooth speakers

• Connectivity options include HDMI, USB 2.0 and USB Type-C

• Available: Now; Estimated Street Price: $299.99**


M1 mini Plus

• Ultra-portable LED-based projector weighing less than a pound

• Brightness of 120 LED lumens; native WVGA (854x480) resolution

• Integrated smart Wi-Fi connectivity and Smart TV interface for streaming and sharing

• Wi-Fi screen mirroring to share content and vCastSender app control the projector

• Built-in JBL Bluetooth speakers

• Battery can last up to 2.5 hours (depending on usage) with power bank compatibility***

• A smart stand provides setup flexibility while also doubling as a lens cover.

• Available: Now; Estimated street price of $199.99**


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions with a presence in more than 100 cities around the world. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With more than 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit


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* Taxa de atualização de165Hz com DisplayPort

**Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice

*** Battery & product lifespan may vary based on actual usage & other factors


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic LED Projectors Show 30 Percent Growth in First Half of 2020

ViewSonic Smart LED Projectors are the Go-To Solution for Big-Screen Home Entertainment

BREA, CA (Sept. 30, 2020)ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, announced today its LED projector sales grew 30 percent in the first half of 2020(Note 1), which is a new milestone for ViewSonic in LED projection. ViewSonic entered the LED projector segment in 2017 and became one of the world’s top three LED projector brands within three years. It boasted the fastest growth amongst the top five brands in the overall projector market in 2019 and continued its strong sales performance in the first half of 2020 with year over year growth of 30 percent.

“LED technology has now progressed to a point where it is an ideal audiovisual solution for all the activities consumers partake in at home. ViewSonic’s mission is to deliver a feast for the senses at home,” said Jeff Muto, business line director . “As an innovator and leader in LED projector technology, ViewSonic is combining its advantages in LED know-how, and consumer insights to bring new smart LED projectors to market. We are focused on redefining lifestyle-oriented, all-inclusive solutions, from mobile, outdoor, to home. We want to light the way for more people to enjoy a new flexible big-screen audiovisual experience in their daily lives.”


The achievements for ViewSonic® LED projectors can be attributed to the continued innovation of product development. ViewSonic began to focus on LED projector development three years ago when the technology had advanced to an ideal level, aiming to offer consumers a more versatile option. By combining great visuals and audio into a single, portable projector, the M1 was born. Today ViewSonic provides a full lineup of smart LED projectors for a wide range of applications, including the flagship X-series for premium home entertainment with enhanced smart functionality, and the portable M series for an exciting on-the-move lifestyle, such as the featherlight, 0.6lbs M1 mini Plus smart pocket projector.

More than just a device, ViewSonic smart LED projectors are an audio/visual solution. ViewSonic smart LED projectors combine the latest audiovisual technologies with integrated functionality and can connect with mobile devices, home networks, and content services for a seamless viewing experience. Through four main features – audio/visual excellence, smart capabilities, user-centric design, and eco-friendliness, ViewSonic smart LED projectors are differentiated to deliver a new enhanced audiovisual experience for the home.


Audio/Visual Excellence

ViewSonic smart LED projectors deliver true-to-life colors by proprietary Cinema SuperColor+™ Technology with 125% Rec.709, and a new level of brightness with industry-leading second-generation LED technology. To complement their stunning visuals, all ViewSonic smart LED projectors incorporate professional audio customized by Harman Kardon/JBL. From hardware design to rounds of audio tuning, each projector has its own customization to best fit each scenario.


Smart Capabilities

The smart features include wireless content casting from users’ smart devices via 5GHz Wi-Fi, and intuitive touch control via their mobile devices as an alternative remote control. Bluetooth connectivity allows users to broadcast audio from mobile devices with the projectors’ Harman Kardon speakers, or connect to external Bluetooth headphones to immerse yourself in big-screen fun. Convenient voice control via Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, and USB Type-C connectivity offer a fun twist on streaming for direct projection from phones, tablets, or gaming consoles.


User-Centric Design

ViewSonic places emphasis on user-centric designs to offer consumers the perfect balance of form and functionality. By creating humanized, lifestyle-oriented products that contrast with dull one-size-fits-all designs found on other products on the market, ViewSonic has won iF Design Awards for three consecutive years from 2018 to 2020.


ViewSonic smart LED projectors are an eco-friendlier alternative to other projector types, free from the toxic mercury found in lamps and consume significantly less power for improved efficiency. LEDs are also a more durable light source than lamps, offering a lifespan of up to 30,000 hours*, reducing the total cost of ownership.

To find out more about ViewSonic’s smart LED projectors, please visit:


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit



Note 1: Source: Futuresource Q2’ 20 World Projector Market Track. The market share is assessed by the sales volume.

*Light source lifespan may vary based on actual usage and other factors.

This news release contains forward-looking statements that reflect the Company’s expectations with regard to future events. Actual events could differ significantly from those anticipated in this document. Trademark footnote: ViewSonic and the ViewSonic trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of ViewSonic Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other corporate names and trademarks stated herein are the property of their respective companies.

The ViewSonic VP2785-2K ColorPro Monitor and X10-4KE Home Theater Projector Awarded the 2020 TWICE VIP Awards

The Products Won the Computer & Gaming: Monitor, and Home Theater: Projectors Categories, Respectively, in the Seventh Edition of the Awards

Brea, CA (August 13, 2020) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, announced the VP2785-2K ColorPro™ monitor and X10-4KE LED projector has won in the categories of Computer & Gaming: Monitor, and Home Theater: Projectors, in the 7th edition of the TWICE VIP Awards. The TWICE VIP Awards celebrate the best features, design, and value that new products are bringing to consumers. Voted on by the audience of TWICE, the leading voice in the Consumer Electronic industry, these accolades decipher which companies are truly delivering value.

“We’re pleased that the readers and audience of TWICE voted for both the ColorPro VP2785-2K monitor and the X10-4KE home theater projector,” said Jeff Volpe, president, ViewSonic Corp., Americas. “At ViewSonic, we are steadfast in our ability to shift and adjust to the market for our partners and consumers. Though all of us were dealt with changes, consumer technology products can help those to address this new reality we are in, whether providing entertainment at home or modifying the way we work outside a traditional office space. The variety of the ViewSonic line of visual displays allows us to continually help consumers create environments for work and play.”


ViewSonic® ColorPro VP2785-2K Professional Monitor

• 27-inch, IPS panel with native 2K QHD (2560x1440) resolution

• Covers 100 percent of the Adobe RGB color space* and 96 percent DCI-P3

• Fogra Certified as a softproof monitor for prints

• Connectivity includes DisplayPort, HDMI, USB Type-C with charging, HDCP 2.2 content support for secure 4K content playback

• Features include 3-sided frameless design for seamless viewing and multiple monitor setup; built-in ambient light and presence sensor for energy savings; KVM switch to access different peripherals and systems


ViewSonic X10-4KE Home Theater LED Projector

• LED-based projector with native 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160) resolution

• Support for Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant voice control; Built-in Harman Kardon Bluetooth speakers

• Integrated Smart TV interface for streaming from popular content sources

• HDR content support, Rec. 709 color accuracy and frame interpolation technology

• Enhanced remote control and IR sensor to expand sensitivity

• Optimized lens to offset humidity and quicker/more accurate focus adjustment


To find out more about ViewSonic, visit and follow on  Facebook,  YouTube and Twitter.



TWICE is the leading brand service the B2B needs of those in the technology and consumer electronics industries. Anchored to a 20+ times a year publication, the brand covers consumer technology through a suite of digital offerings—, eNewsletters, events and custom content including native advertising, white papers, video, and webinars. Leading companies and its leaders turn to TWICE for perspective and analysis in the ever-changing and fast-paced environment of consumer technology. Find out more about the awards at or the magazine site at

About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solution products and conducts business in more than 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard interactive displays, and the myViewBoard software ecosystem. With more than 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets, and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit

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• *color gamut coverage may vary 1% depending on color mode

• This news release contains forward-looking statements that reflect the Company’s expectations with regard to future events. Actual events could differ significantly from those anticipated in this document. Trademark footnote: ViewSonic and the ViewSonic trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of ViewSonic Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other corporate names and trademarks stated herein are the property of their respective companies.

ViewSonic Launches New Lamp-Free, Solid-State Technology Projectors for Installation and Signage Projects

The LS831WU and LS600W Projectors Feature Flexible Installation Options and Next-Generation Solid-State Technologies

INFOCOMM 2020, BREA, CA (June 18, 2020) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of display solution products, expands its line of solid-state technology-based projectors with two new additions to the LS series. The LS831WU ultra-short throw laser and LS600W LED projectors come with installation-friendly features that make them ideal for various environments and applications.

The ViewSonic® LS831WU laser projector is an ultra-short throw laser projector engineered with second generation laser technology for improved heat resistance while delivering excellent image quality. Designed with a sleek form factor, it can easily blend into any environment, making it ideal for various digital signage applications. With a 0.25 ultra-short throw lens and 360-degree placement configuration, the LS831WU delivers flexibility to installation projects, offering an image that is seamless and free of bezels from just inches away from a wall or screen. An integrated HDBaseT input allows the projector to receive uncompressed HD audio and video over long distances through a single network cable.

Engineered for 24/7 continuous operation, the ViewSonic LS600W LED projector features an upgraded RGB light source through second generation LED technology. This delivers enhanced brightness by 30 percent compared to first generation LED technology, bringing out a striking balance between brightness and vivid color. The LS600W comes with an IP5X sealed optical engine to prevent dust and moisture.

“ViewSonic developed these new projectors with the latest solid-state technologies to offer our partners more lamp-free projection choices,” said Mia Shen, Sr. business line manager of projectors at ViewSonic. “We used the latest generation of laser and LED technologies to maximize the brightness levels, enhance colors and enhance installation options so that the LS831WU and LS600W can be used in any type of environment.”

Both the LS831WU and LS600W come with integrated Crestron e-Control system and RoomView® Express management software so IT administrators can manage and monitor these projectors remotely. They are Crestron and AMX certified, which allow the projectors to be controlled and overseen across locations and environments.


LS831WU Laser Projector

• 2nd generation laser-based projector with WUXGA (1920x1200) resolution and 4,500 ANSI lumens of brightness

• 25 ultra-short throw lens with sleek design to easily blend into any environment

• Installation-friendly features: 360-degree placement configuration, portrait mode, H/V keystone and four-corner adjustments

• Integrated HDBaseT input for uncompressed HD audio/video through a single network cable

• Built-in Crestron e-Control system and RoomView Express management software for remote management; Crestron and AMX certified

• Available now with an estimated street price of $2,499.00*


LS600W LED Projector

• 2nd generation LED technology-based projector; RGBB LED light source enhances brightness

• Native WXGA (1280x800) resolution and 3,000 ANSI lumens of brightness

• IP5X sealed optical engine to prevent dust and moisture

• Engineered for 24/7 continuous operation

• 125% Rec.709 color accuracy with Cinema SuperColor+ technology for vivid color reproduction

• Flexible installation features include 1.2x zoom, 360-degree tilt angle projection and H/V keystone correction

• Available in Q3 2020 with an estimated street price of $799.00*


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit




*Program, pricing, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.


Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas que refletem as expectativas da Empresa em relação a eventos futuros. Os eventos reais podem diferir significativamente daqueles previstos neste documento. Nota de rodapé sobre marcas registradas: ViewSonic e as marcas registradas ViewSonic são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da ViewSonic Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os outros nomes corporativos e marcas registradas aqui mencionados são de propriedade de suas respectivas empresas.

ViewSonic Showcases Latest Lines of Displays Designed for ProAV Market that Deliver Solutions for Dynamic Collaboration and Communications

New Products Include: All-in-One Direct View LED Displays, Wireless Presentation Displays, Portable Monitors and Projectors

INFOCOMM 2020, BREA, CA (June 15, 2020) – ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of display solution products, introduces its new line of collaboration and communications products for the ProAV industry at InfoComm 2020. During the InfoComm 2020 virtual experience event, ViewSonic will launch its new line of  all-in-one Direct View LED displays, as well as a new series of premium wireless presentation displays. ViewSonic expands its line of solid-state technology-based projectors with two new LS models, and for the first time, introduces a pair of portable monitors for enhanced productivity.

“Display solutions are being implemented and utilized for more than traditional digital signage applications,” said Bryan Phann, Sr. business line manager at ViewSonic Corp. “ViewSonic display solutions offer our AV partners the products that can help businesses provide information and, share exciting messaging to customers in new and unique ways. The new display products we’re introducing at InfoComm 2020 are solutions that can help our AV partners continue to grow, from products that are easy to install and maintain, to scaling the size and scope of an office space or classroom.”

All-in-One Direct View LED Displays


• 163-inch, all-in-one, direct view LED displays

• Built for 24/7 operation and multiple pre-assembled design for quick and easy installation

• 8mm fine pixel pitch; 600 nits of brightness and an ultra-fast 3,840Hz refresh rate

• Native 1080p Full HD (1920x1080) resolution; 120% Rec.709 wide color gamut

• Embedded SoC platform; Android 8.0 O/S; 4GB RAM; 32GB internal memory

• Integrated ViewBoard® Cast screen sharing software; 4-in-1 split screen function

• Compatible with Crestron, Extron and AMX automated control systems

• Available August 2020 with an ESP of $119,999.00**


• 135-inch, all-in-one, direct view LED displays

• Built for 24/7 operation and multiple pre-assembled design for quick and easy installation

• 5mm fine pixel pitch; 600 nits of brightness and an ultra-fast 3,840Hz refresh rate

• Native 1080p Full HD (1920x1080) resolution; 120% Rec.709 wide color gamut

• Embedded SoC platform; Android 8.0 O/S; 4GB RAM; 32GB internal memory

• Integrated ViewBoard Cast screen sharing software; 4-in-1 split screen function

• Compatible with Crestron, Extron and AMX automated control systems

• Available August 2020 with an ESP of $99,999.00**


Wireless Presentation Displays


• 65-inch wireless presentation display with native 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160) resolution

• 450-nits of brightness and 178-degree viewing angles

• Intel® OPS Slot-in PC Compatible and 802.11ac (2.4GHz/5GHz) Wi-Fi Slot

• Twin dual-core processors, 3GB RAM and 16GB internal memory

• Built-in myViewBoard™ Display app and ViewBoard Cast content sharing software*

• Secured by 42Gears SureMDM

• Available now with an ESP of $1,799.00**



• 75-inch wireless presentation display with native 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160) resolution

• 450-nits of brightness, 178-degree viewing angles, 2x 16W speakers

• Intel® OPS Slot-in PC Compatible and 802.11ac (2.4GHz/5GHz) Wi-Fi Slot

• Twin dual-core processors, 3GB RAM and 16GB internal memory

• Built-in myViewBoard Display app and ViewBoard Cast content sharing software*

• Secured by 42GearsSureMDM

• Available now with an ESP of $2,999.00**



• 86-inch wireless presentation display with native 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160) resolution

• 450-nits of brightness, 178-degree viewing angles, 2x 16W speakers

• Intel® OPS Slot-in PC Compatible and 802.11ac (2.4GHz/5GHz) Wi-Fi Slot

• Twin dual-core processors, 3GB RAM and 16GB internal memory

• Built-in myViewBoard Display app and ViewBoard Cast content sharing software*

• Secured by 42GearsSureMDM

• Available now with an ESP of $4,669.00**


Portable Monitors

TD1655 Portable Touch Display

• 6-inch portable capacitive touch display with 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• 10-point projective capacitive touchscreen for smooth and natural writing experience (stylus included)

• 3-sided bezel-less design

• Connectors include: two USB Type C for 2-way charging and mini-HDMI

• Slim 0.6-inch thin and 2.0 pounds light

• Available: July 2020 with an ESP of $239.00**


VG1655 Portable Monitor

• 6-inch portable monitor with 1080p (1920x1080) resolution

• Slim design: 0.6-inch thin and 1.8 pounds light

• Connectors include: two USB Type C for 2-way charging and mini-HDMI

• Built in Kickstand to support portrait and landscape orientation

• Display cover included

• Available: July 2020 with an ESP of $179.00**


Lamp-Free, Solid-State Technology-based Projectors

LS831WU Laser Projector

• 2nd generation laser-based projector with WUXGA (1920x1200) resolution and 4,500 ANSI lumens of brightness

• 25 ultra-short throw lens with sleek design to easily blend into any environment

• Installation-friendly features: 360-degree placement configuration, portrait mode, H/V keystone and four-corner adjustments

• Integrated HDBaseT input for uncompressed HD audio/video through a single network cable

• Built-in Crestron e-Control system and RoomView Express management software for remote management; Crestron and AMX certified

• Available: now with an ESP of $2,499.00**


LS600W LED Projector

• 2nd generation LED technology-based projector; RGBB LED light source enhances brightness

• Native WXGA (1280x800) resolution and 3,000 ANSI lumens of brightness

• IP5X sealed optical engine to prevent dust and moisture

• Engineered for 24/7 continuous operation

• 125% Rec.709 color accuracy with Cinema SuperColor+ technology for vivid color reproduction

• Flexible installation features include 1.2x zoom, 360-degree tilt angle projection and H/V keystone correction

• Available: Q3 2020 with an ESP of $799.00**


For further news and information about ViewSonic, visit and follow on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


About ViewSonic

Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, digital signage, ViewBoard® interactive displays, and myViewBoard™ software ecosystem. With over 30 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers “See the Difference.” To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit



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*Chrome, Android, Windows, MacOS and iOS compliant

**Program, pricing, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice.


This news release contains forward-looking statements that reflect the Company’s expectations with regard to future events. Actual events could differ significantly from those anticipated in this document. Trademark footnote: ViewSonic and the ViewSonic trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of ViewSonic Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other corporate names and trademarks stated herein are the property of their respective companies.