How to import users to the organization

Once you subscribe to a plan, you can start adding students and teachers to your organization.

1. Sign in to UNIVERSE's official website

2. After signing in to the official website, please click "UNIVERSE Manager", or "Manage Users" in the "Organization" section.

3. Sign in to "UNIVERSE Managerwith the same account

4. Select the organization you wish to import users to

5. Click "Add User" in the "Users" section

6. Import the list from files or manually

  • Import from file

Please download the template first and choose the role of the user to upload, your list will show up on the page.

  • Add users manually

You can directly input and add users' details.

If you have any questions or face any issues during the process, please don't hesitate and let us know.

dernières modifications: jun 2023

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